Pink and Green Elephants

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British Columbia, Canada
I'm starting this blog so I can record the amazing, exciting, and nerve-racking journey through pregnancy to parenthood

Thursday 24 January 2013

Second Midwife Appointment


12 weeks 5 days

Today I had my second appointment with the midwife, which proved to be very exciting. 

Firstly they took my blood pressure, which was great, and secondly, they used the Doppler to find the baby's heartbeat! I have never used a Doppler before so it was an exciting experience! When I had my ultrasound, the tech put the probe down very low in my pelvic area and that is where she put the probe today but had to move it higher because my baby is higher! So exciting to know that the baby is growing so much and moving up into my abdomen!!!!! I also got to record the heartbeat and send it to friends and family and I get to listen to it whenever I want! 

They spent a lot of time asking me a bunch of questions that the government uses to collect information for their census-so I was asked questions about my employment and level of education, along with health information. 

They also gave me the forms I need to get all my blood work done. They test you for blood type, STIs, haemoglobin, and they run a separate panel to check for any developmental/neurological problems in the baby. So I'm hoping to go get that done on Friday so I can get it out of the way.

They discussed the results of my ultrasound and they said that based on my scan, my due date has changed a full week!!!!! Which is soooo exciting to know that I just gained a week of pregnancy and that puts me only two days away from the second trimester and one full week closer to finding out the gender! 

So if anyone is wondering why there is no week 12, that is why! 

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