Pink and Green Elephants

My photo
British Columbia, Canada
I'm starting this blog so I can record the amazing, exciting, and nerve-racking journey through pregnancy to parenthood

Friday 13 September 2013

Jaxon's One Month Update!!!!!

September 8, 2013

I cannot believe Jaxon is one month old already! It's true what they say-time flies when you have kids and you will be amazed at how fast they change. I keep getting weepy just thinking about how my baby isn't a baby anymore. 

At Jaxon's three week check up, he weighed 11 pounds, 4 oz! Yes you read that right-he has gained two pounds, two ounces in just three weeks!!!!!! 

Since Jaxon was two weeks old, he has been wearing three month old clothes and size 1 diapers. Because he has a smaller waist, I could put him in newborn pants until he was 4 weeks old and he is still fitting into his 0-3 month pants currently. Jaxon is also so long that I'm finding that some of his onesies don't fit because they are too short! 

At about 16 days old, his umbilical stump fell off and so far he looks like he has an outie. I'm not sure if that will change as he gets older. 

Jaxon is not yet sleeping a lot. At night, he wakes up to eat around 12 am, 3 am, and 6 am. He eats anywhere between 4-5.5 ounces at a time. Sometimes, he does not go back to sleep in between feedings and often times he wants to be held, so he sleeps in my arms. I had originally intended for Jaxon to sleep beside my bed in his bassinet, but he only napped in that a few times. Once in a while, he would nap on my bed, but at night, he would only sleep in my arms until I discovered the bouncy chair. Sometimes he would sleep in that, so I bought a Rock and Play, which is basically like a modern day, vibrating cradle that a lot of moms use for babies that like to be rocked and need to sleep at an incline due to gas or reflux. Now I put that beside my bed and he will spend part of the night in there and part of the night in my arms still. During the day, Jaxon will nap, but is often fussy.  I'm really hoping that my little guy will start sleeping for longer periods than three hours and will start sleeping more on his own.