Pink and Green Elephants

My photo
British Columbia, Canada
I'm starting this blog so I can record the amazing, exciting, and nerve-racking journey through pregnancy to parenthood

Friday 28 June 2013

34 Weeks!!!!!

June 21st-June 27th 

Size of baby: Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (like your average cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. (Actually he weighs over six pounds now!)

My baby this week: His fat layers — which will help regulate his body temperature once he's born — are filling him out, making him rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. His central nervous system is maturing and his lungs are continuing to mature as well. If you've been nervous about preterm labor, you'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies.

Sleep: Sleep has been horrible this week. I don't know why, but all of a sudden, it takes me a long time to fall asleep and I can't stay asleep. I toss and turn all night and I wake up constantly. 

Best Moment of the Week:  Getting to see my baby again on the ultrasound and know that he is healthy. 

Movement: Baby has been moving around a lot and sometimes the movements take my breath away and are painful because of how big he is getting. 

Food cravings:  I've been on an orange juice kick this week. Can't get enough!

Gender: BOY!!!!!!

What I Miss: Being able to go out with my friends. It's not the same now that I'm pregnant and I can't go a lot of places my friends go. 

What I'm Looking Forward To: Making it another week closer to baby's arrival!

Milestones: The baby is now practicing his breathing, which we got to see on the ultrasound. 

Emotions: This week has been harder because I am so tired from not sleeping. I am getting soooo uncomfortable.

Symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, cramps, round ligament pain, heartburn, exhaustion, back pain, pelvic pain. 

O.B. Consult

June 28th 2013 

35 weeks

This morning Jamie and I met with the O.B. that our midwives referred us to in order to discuss the problem with the baby's growth. 

The O.B. was really nice and both Jamie and I liked her, but we left her office feeling really worried and upset. 

The major concern is that if the baby continues to grow at the same rate as he has been growing for the last six weeks, he will be 9.5-10 pounds at full term. The problem is that for some reason, his abdomen is measuring so large, that if I had a vaginal delivery I could deliver his head, but his body may get stuck. If that happened, it would be an emergency and the doctors would have to do whatever they could to get the baby out fast. If his body gets stuck, there is a risk of him losing oxygen to his brain and him suffering permanent brain damage. Also, there is a chance that he would have to be pulled out by his arms or he may have to have his shoulder broken, which could result in permanent nerve damage, plus the complications from him having a broken shoulder. Another complication that could arise is me having to be cut open, as well as having to deliver the baby in a very awkward position where I would have to pull my legs up to my ears. How is that even possible, especially for a pregnant woman? The O.B. said that this risk could apply to even a seven pound baby, which is almost the size baby boy is now. 

Her plan of action is to do a repeat growth scan in three weeks to see how the baby has grown. If the baby is over nine pounds, she believes that the risks of a vaginal delivery outweigh the risks of a C section. If the baby is smaller, she said the risks may be the same and that a vaginal delivery may be the best option. 

What I'm concerned about is that I don't understand how a vaginal delivery at any point is less risky than having a C section, given the way the baby is shaped. Also, I worry about the damage to my body that a vaginal delivery could pose. I told her that because of the information she shared, that I am not comfortable even attempting a vaginal delivery, because there is no way of knowing for sure if there would be a problem until it became an emergency situation. Also, I much prefer to take the risks of a C section for myself if that meant that my baby would be born healthy and unharmed. 

So the doctor sent me home with consent forms to fill out and said that she would schedule a C section for between 39-40 weeks. Also, she said that if I go into labor before then, that I can go to the hospital and have an emergency C section then. A home birth and a water birth are no longer options for me and now the O.B. will be attending my labor and delivery along with my midwife. 

So now I'm feeling really overwhelmed and upset. I have been preparing for a natural birth my whole pregnancy and all of a sudden, I have to completely change my midset. I have a month or less to make new plans-I have to rewrite my birth plan completely, get mentally prepared, and find out how to care for a newborn while recovering from major surgery-especially since my husband doesn't get any time off from work. Thankfully, I have a great team of support people in my life, but I always feel bad asking for help. I'm grateful that our families have been supportive of my decision and that they are willing to help. 

I now look forward to my upcoming labor and delivery with fear and apprehension, rather than excitement. The idea of having surgery while awake and having my baby all at the same time is a really scary concept. At the end of this long, hard journey is not the ending I had envisioned, and that is a tough pill to swallow. I am going to try hard to keep calm but right now I feel really upset and stressed. I have been working on the most important project of my life for the last 8.5 months and I am more anxious than ever to see it completed. 

34.4 Week Ultrasound-Growth Scan

June 26th 2013

34 weeks 4 days

Today we went back to the swanky fetal medicine clinic for a repeat ultrasound. The tech told us that since I made it to 34 weeks, they do not check the cervix because if I went into early labor, they would not stop it. 

It was really hard to see the baby on the ultrasound this time because he is getting so big. This time, the tech measured his thigh bone, his abdomen, and his skull. She also checked his heart and his kidneys. The really cool part was that we could see the baby practising breathing!!!!! We saw his bladder this time too and she said that he is looking really healthy as always. She also checked his fluid levels and his cord blood flow which were also great. 

The bad news is that baby is still measuring very far ahead and is estimated to weigh 6lbs, 8 oz. So in the last six weeks, baby has gained roughly half a pound a week. 

Since we couldn't see much of the baby, the only pictures we got were of his heart and his skull. 

When we spoke to the doctor after, she said that she wasn't worried, but that the baby is going to be a really big baby. (Thank you captain obvious) 

You can see the four chambers of the heart in this picture
My baby's big skull

Tuesday 25 June 2013

9th Midwife Appointment

June 25th 2013

34 weeks 4 days

So today I went in for another midwife appointment. Today, Jamie and I got to meet the newest midwife and we both really liked her. 

We discussed the results of his last two ultrasounds. The first growth scan at 30.4 weeks showed that he is measuring in the 97th percentile and that he was measuring weeks ahead and weighing 4lbs 6 oz. The second growth scan at 32.4 weeks showed that he is measuring in the 97th percentile still, but that his head is in the 100th percentile and his belly is even larger than the 100th percentile. Also, he was weighing in at 5lbs, 6 oz and measuring 3 weeks ahead. Because of these results, I now have to have a consultation with an O.B. to discuss potential ways to manage the baby's size, inducement, c sections, and trying to jump start labor naturally. Also, I plan to ask her why the baby is measuring so big and if we need to be concerned, especially about his stomach. I told the midwife that I was concerned about the fact that I am going to have to deliver such a big baby and I told her that I want to be induced by a certain time so that I don't go into labor already thinking it will be impossible to naturally deliver my baby or that I will end up saddled with interventions that I don't want. I would much rather be induced sooner rather than later and have a shot of a vaginal delivery without being ripped open from end to end. Sorry for the graphic details but that massive head has to come out some how...I'm seriously thinking about tossing my natural guide to childbirth book and going straight for that epidural! 

We also happened to discuss my dating ultrasound at 10.4 weeks and the midwife discovered that they had initially misread the results and my due date should not have been moved from August 9th to August 2nd. Instead, my due date is actually supposed to be August 6th!!!!!!! This to me is a big oversight and I find it really aggravating that I have been thinking I was due on the 2nd for months and months only to have my due date changed again. So in order to make my life easier, I am going to continue going by August 2nd, because the baby will come when he is ready and most likely before then too. 

Just like at every other appointment, the midwife checked my blood pressure, which was great as always. Also, she measured my uterus, which is measuring at 36 weeks, and listened to the heart rate, which was around 140 BPM. 

We discussed breastfeeding and what my options are in terms of that. The midwife gave me a couple books to read over so that I can be more prepared. 

We also discussed the fact that I am not sleeping well, and she suggested that I get into a routine and do the same thing every night and try to go to bed at the same time. She also told me to take 50 mgs of Gravol before bed, and if I lay awake for more than 20 minutes, get up and do something relaxing
(no screen time) for 30-45 minutes and then try going back to sleep. So I will give that a shot and hopefully I will get more rest. 

Baby Shower

June 23rd 2013

34 weeks, 2 days

Today was the day of my baby shower. My mom and best friend hosted it and it turned out amazing! The theme was "ready to pop!" The house was decorated with lots of white, blue, and green balloons, a banner, and a photo booth! There was even a photographer there taking pics, which was awesome! 

My mom made all of the food and my friend had this incredible cake made for me! 

We played a few games. First, we had to sample four different kinds of baby food and guess what they were. I can definitely say that I will never be feeding my son the green bean flavor, as it was just nasty! Secondly, we played a game where we were split into teams and we had to come up with as many baby boy J names in 3 minutes as we could. My team won with 40 names! Thirdly, in our teams, we had to diaper one person using a roll of toilet paper. Although my team lost, I thought we had fashioned a pretty good diaper! 

After games, Jamie and I got to open presents, which took awhile as baby got so many lovely gifts! We could barely fit everything into our jeep! 

Overall, it was such a great day and my husband and I are forever grateful to my mom and my friend for hosting such a fabulous event! 

Saturday 22 June 2013

Maternity Photos!!!!!!!

June 18th 2013

So today Jamie and I went to get our hair done and then we met up with our friend who took some awesome photos in her back yard and at Crescent Beach! 

Here are a few of our favorite shots, although there are so many good ones, it was hard to just pick five.

33 Weeks!!!!!

June 14th-June 20th 

How Far Along: 33 weeks!!!  Only 4 more weeks until full term and 7 until due date!

Size of baby: This week your baby weighs a little over 4 pounds (half a pineapple) and has passed the 17-inch mark. 

My baby this week: He's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and his skeleton is hardening. The bones in his skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for him to fit through the birth canal. (The pressure on the head during birth is so intense that many babies are born with a cone head-like appearance.) These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as his brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.

Sleep: It is getting more difficult to get a good night's sleep as I am getting more and more uncomfortable and large lol!

Best Moment of the Week: My husband was on vacation this week so I got to spend lots of quality time with him!  

Movement: Baby boy moves around lots everyday, although some days he is a lot more active than others. Unfortunately, he is getting so big now that many of his movements are painful and make me wince. It feels like he is running out of room and now I can always tell where he is laying because I can feel his back or his bum pressed up against my stomach. 

Food cravings: Still no cravings and still have a lack of appetite like I've had my whole pregnancy. 

Gender: BOY!!!!!!

What I Miss: Feeling young-I feel so geriatric these days as I can barely walk. 

What I'm Looking Forward To: My baby shower on Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!

Milestones: Although it was really painful, the baby dropped twice this week. So I guess that means that he is preparing himself for his grand entrance. 

Emotions: It's been a really rough week and I cried a couple times. I am SO uncomfortable and in pain and I've been feeling like I don't know how I am going to make it another 6 ish weeks. Just when I think that things can't get any more uncomfortable, they do and it is really frustrating. I wish I was one of those pregnant women who cherish every moment of gestating but the honest truth is that I am miserable. And then that makes me feel guilty because I know I have a beautiful, healthy son and that my pregnancy is so much easier than others. Also, I don't forget that there are thousands of women who spend years of their lives and thousands of dollars to have the same privilege as me. I try and remember every day that no matter how hard things get, each day of pregnancy is a blessing. 

Symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, round ligament pain, cramping, back pain, exhaustion, pelvic pain.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

32.4 Week Ultrasound!

June 11th 2013

32 weeks 4 days

So today I got to go back to the swanky fetal medicine clinic and have a follow up ultrasound. This ultrasound was pretty much the same as the last one, except a little shorter. 

The ultrasound tech did an internal and an external ultrasound to measure my cervix and she measured the baby's belly, scull, and thigh bone. She also looked at his heart, his kidneys, his feet, his spine, and confirmed yet again that he is definitely a boy! She looked at his cord and checked the blood flow as well. Even when I turned onto my side, we could only see his ear because he is so far down and his face is facing inwards. So it will be a total surprise as to what he looks like. The only pictures we got this time were of his massive foot and his boy bits lol! 

The doctor said that my cervix has shortened. In two weeks, it went from 3.5-2.5 to 3-2.2! So now it is short, but not to the point where she thinks I will go into labor within the next couple weeks. Also, since she said that I made it to 32 weeks, which is a big milestone, that they do not need to continue to monitor my cervix. I need to remain on light duty/modified bed rest until 34 weeks and then, unless my midwife tells me otherwise or my cervix dilates, I can return to my normal activity. (What is normal activity for someone 8.5 months pregnant?) So at my next appointment with the midwife, I need to ask if they will check my cervix. 

The doctor said that the baby is large and he is measuring three weeks ahead-but she assured us many times that he is perfectly healthy and that he will just be a big baby. The doctor confirmed that my risk of pre-term labor is still higher and that it is impossible to tell on the ultrasound if my cervix is dilated or not, but she doesn't think my cervix is short enough to dilate right now. Also, she said that she thinks he will be born before his due date, but that he will be born after 34 weeks. I'm just praying to keep him in for at least another two weeks, because I really want to make it to my baby shower and i do NOT want the steroid shots in the butt to mature his lungs. So far, in my August WTE group, about 5 babies have been born already and it's crazy to think that soon I will be holding my baby too! 

8th Midwife Appointment

June 11th 2013

32 weeks 4 days

Today I went in for my biweekly check up. Not much happened at this appointment and I forgot to ask the questions that I had prepared lol.

We discussed the meds I'm taking for my sinus infection and that I should continue with my inhaler and nasal spray throughout the rest of the pregnancy so I don't have any more allergy flare ups. I told her my antibiotics don't seem to be working and she said to take them for a few more days and then go back to the doctor for another prescription. 

The midwife took my blood pressure, which was excellent like usual. I weighed myself and I gained one pound in the last two weeks so that is pretty good. The midwife also measured my uterus, which was measuring at 34 weeks. I am always measuring between 1-3 weeks ahead so no surprise there. She measured the baby's heart rate, which was 148 BPM and she said he is head down and bum up! So I was right when I thought I felt him push his bum up into my stomach and move his feet over by my ribs. 

I asked the midwife what the doctor had said about the possibility of me being prepared for an early birth and she said that if I have ANY signs of labor to get to the hospital right away to get the steroid shots to mature the baby's lungs. I told her that it is really hard for me to know what contractions feel like as supposed to all of the general discomfort, braxton hicks, and random contractions I feel. But I remain, as ever, on high alert for any signs of labor. 

Afterwards, I booked the rest of my pre-natal appointments which is exciting to know it's so close!!!!!

Monday 10 June 2013

32 Weeks!!!!!

June 7th-June 13th
How Far Along: 32 weeks!!!  Only 5 more weeks until full term and 8 until due date!

Size of baby: By now, your baby weighs 3.75 pounds (pick up a large jicama) and is about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in your uterus.

My baby this week:   You're gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. In fact, he'll gain a third to half of his birth weight during the next 7 weeks as he fattens up for survival outside the womb. He now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). His skin is becoming soft and smooth as he plumps up in preparation for birth.

Sleep: Still dealing with the sinus infection, which is making sleep more elusive. Still getting up at least twice to pee. 

Best Moment of the Week:  Making it to 8 months! 

Movement: Baby boy is still moving lots but not as crazy as before as he is getting so big now. 

Food cravings: I really don't have much of an appetite these days. Eating is a chore. 

Gender: BOY!!!!!!

What I Miss: A nice cold beer on a hot day. 

What I'm Looking Forward To: Seeing how much baby has grown in these last two weeks! 

Milestones: Making it to 32 weeks. Now he just has to fatten up before he's born! 

Emotions: Feeling like this is taking forever and that it is going so fast at the same time. 

Symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, cramps, round ligament pain, shortness of breath, pelvic pain, heartburn. 

31 Weeks!!!!!

May 31st-June 6th
How Far Along: 31 weeks!!!  Only 6 more weeks until full term and 9 until due date!

Size of baby: This week, your baby measures over 16 inches long. He weighs about 3.3 pounds (try carrying four navel oranges) and is heading into a growth spurt.

My baby this week:   He can turn his head from side to side, and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath his skin. He's probably moving a lot, too, so you may have trouble sleeping because your baby's kicks and somersaults keep you up. Take comfort: All this moving is a sign that your baby is active and healthy.

Sleep: I have a sinus infection, which is making it hard to breathe and harder to sleep. Still getting up at least twice to pee. No matter how much sleep I get, I am still tired. If I have to get up early, I am totally wiped all day!

Best Moment of the Week: On Sunday, Jamie and I went over to his mom's house and we had a little baby shower. It was really nice and nana and papa bought the baby a beautiful swing that we are so excited to use! 

Movement: Baby boy has been active every day, which is so wonderful. I will miss feeling these kicks when he is born. Now it feels like he is sticking his butt up into my stomach and putting his feet up near my ribs-not so comfortable. 

Food cravings: Seems to change every week-still no consistant food cravings. 

Gender: BOY!!!!!!

What I Miss: Being able to walk around as much as I want or exercise. 

What I'm Looking Forward To: My next midwife appointment and ultrasound on June 11th! 

Milestones: Not much longer until d-day! 

Emotions: Been feeling kind of miserable shut up in the house all the time-but it's what is best for the baby so I bear with it. 

Symptoms: This week I add a sinus infection to the list of nausea, vomiting, cramps, heartburn, pelvic pain, round ligament pain ect.