Pink and Green Elephants

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British Columbia, Canada
I'm starting this blog so I can record the amazing, exciting, and nerve-racking journey through pregnancy to parenthood

Friday 28 June 2013

O.B. Consult

June 28th 2013 

35 weeks

This morning Jamie and I met with the O.B. that our midwives referred us to in order to discuss the problem with the baby's growth. 

The O.B. was really nice and both Jamie and I liked her, but we left her office feeling really worried and upset. 

The major concern is that if the baby continues to grow at the same rate as he has been growing for the last six weeks, he will be 9.5-10 pounds at full term. The problem is that for some reason, his abdomen is measuring so large, that if I had a vaginal delivery I could deliver his head, but his body may get stuck. If that happened, it would be an emergency and the doctors would have to do whatever they could to get the baby out fast. If his body gets stuck, there is a risk of him losing oxygen to his brain and him suffering permanent brain damage. Also, there is a chance that he would have to be pulled out by his arms or he may have to have his shoulder broken, which could result in permanent nerve damage, plus the complications from him having a broken shoulder. Another complication that could arise is me having to be cut open, as well as having to deliver the baby in a very awkward position where I would have to pull my legs up to my ears. How is that even possible, especially for a pregnant woman? The O.B. said that this risk could apply to even a seven pound baby, which is almost the size baby boy is now. 

Her plan of action is to do a repeat growth scan in three weeks to see how the baby has grown. If the baby is over nine pounds, she believes that the risks of a vaginal delivery outweigh the risks of a C section. If the baby is smaller, she said the risks may be the same and that a vaginal delivery may be the best option. 

What I'm concerned about is that I don't understand how a vaginal delivery at any point is less risky than having a C section, given the way the baby is shaped. Also, I worry about the damage to my body that a vaginal delivery could pose. I told her that because of the information she shared, that I am not comfortable even attempting a vaginal delivery, because there is no way of knowing for sure if there would be a problem until it became an emergency situation. Also, I much prefer to take the risks of a C section for myself if that meant that my baby would be born healthy and unharmed. 

So the doctor sent me home with consent forms to fill out and said that she would schedule a C section for between 39-40 weeks. Also, she said that if I go into labor before then, that I can go to the hospital and have an emergency C section then. A home birth and a water birth are no longer options for me and now the O.B. will be attending my labor and delivery along with my midwife. 

So now I'm feeling really overwhelmed and upset. I have been preparing for a natural birth my whole pregnancy and all of a sudden, I have to completely change my midset. I have a month or less to make new plans-I have to rewrite my birth plan completely, get mentally prepared, and find out how to care for a newborn while recovering from major surgery-especially since my husband doesn't get any time off from work. Thankfully, I have a great team of support people in my life, but I always feel bad asking for help. I'm grateful that our families have been supportive of my decision and that they are willing to help. 

I now look forward to my upcoming labor and delivery with fear and apprehension, rather than excitement. The idea of having surgery while awake and having my baby all at the same time is a really scary concept. At the end of this long, hard journey is not the ending I had envisioned, and that is a tough pill to swallow. I am going to try hard to keep calm but right now I feel really upset and stressed. I have been working on the most important project of my life for the last 8.5 months and I am more anxious than ever to see it completed. 

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