Pink and Green Elephants

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British Columbia, Canada
I'm starting this blog so I can record the amazing, exciting, and nerve-racking journey through pregnancy to parenthood

Tuesday 25 June 2013

9th Midwife Appointment

June 25th 2013

34 weeks 4 days

So today I went in for another midwife appointment. Today, Jamie and I got to meet the newest midwife and we both really liked her. 

We discussed the results of his last two ultrasounds. The first growth scan at 30.4 weeks showed that he is measuring in the 97th percentile and that he was measuring weeks ahead and weighing 4lbs 6 oz. The second growth scan at 32.4 weeks showed that he is measuring in the 97th percentile still, but that his head is in the 100th percentile and his belly is even larger than the 100th percentile. Also, he was weighing in at 5lbs, 6 oz and measuring 3 weeks ahead. Because of these results, I now have to have a consultation with an O.B. to discuss potential ways to manage the baby's size, inducement, c sections, and trying to jump start labor naturally. Also, I plan to ask her why the baby is measuring so big and if we need to be concerned, especially about his stomach. I told the midwife that I was concerned about the fact that I am going to have to deliver such a big baby and I told her that I want to be induced by a certain time so that I don't go into labor already thinking it will be impossible to naturally deliver my baby or that I will end up saddled with interventions that I don't want. I would much rather be induced sooner rather than later and have a shot of a vaginal delivery without being ripped open from end to end. Sorry for the graphic details but that massive head has to come out some how...I'm seriously thinking about tossing my natural guide to childbirth book and going straight for that epidural! 

We also happened to discuss my dating ultrasound at 10.4 weeks and the midwife discovered that they had initially misread the results and my due date should not have been moved from August 9th to August 2nd. Instead, my due date is actually supposed to be August 6th!!!!!!! This to me is a big oversight and I find it really aggravating that I have been thinking I was due on the 2nd for months and months only to have my due date changed again. So in order to make my life easier, I am going to continue going by August 2nd, because the baby will come when he is ready and most likely before then too. 

Just like at every other appointment, the midwife checked my blood pressure, which was great as always. Also, she measured my uterus, which is measuring at 36 weeks, and listened to the heart rate, which was around 140 BPM. 

We discussed breastfeeding and what my options are in terms of that. The midwife gave me a couple books to read over so that I can be more prepared. 

We also discussed the fact that I am not sleeping well, and she suggested that I get into a routine and do the same thing every night and try to go to bed at the same time. She also told me to take 50 mgs of Gravol before bed, and if I lay awake for more than 20 minutes, get up and do something relaxing
(no screen time) for 30-45 minutes and then try going back to sleep. So I will give that a shot and hopefully I will get more rest. 

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