Pink and Green Elephants

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British Columbia, Canada
I'm starting this blog so I can record the amazing, exciting, and nerve-racking journey through pregnancy to parenthood

Sunday 5 May 2013

Sixth Midwife Appointment


26 weeks, 5 days

So today I went in for another midwife appointment. I was pretty excited to know that I would be coming every two weeks for my appointments, instead of four weeks. The first thing I was asked when I got there, was why I was coming in again so early, considering that my last appointment was only two weeks prior. This really annoyed me, because I was not the one who scheduled the appointment or told me to come in after only two weeks. I just feel like all of the midwives that work in the clinic should be on the same page and that I shouldn't be made to feel stupid for their mistakes. Sigh. So this midwife told me that after 28 weeks, I need to be coming every 2 weeks, but then my next appointment wasn't scheduled until four weeks later! 

After that fiasco, I discussed my concerns about my recent weight gain. Luckily, I did not gain any weight for the first half of my pregnancy, but from weeks 20-27, I gained 10 pounds! 10 pounds may not seem like a lot considering that I am just entering my third trimester, but a ten pound gain in less than two months is a little scary. My midwives assured me that it was normal and that I would be gaining more weight from now on, as the baby is growing so much! Considering that I don't wait to gain a pound a week for the last trimester, I've decided to cut back on my treats and make an effort to be more active. The problem is, with morning sickness and nausea, I try and eat whatever I feel like I can stomach, which is carbs a lot of the time. Also, with asthma and pelvic pain, it's hard to do any activity without being in pain and losing my breath. 

The results from my GTT were discussed, and I was assured that I do not have any problems with my blood work! 

The midwife also took my blood pressure, which was good as usual. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat again, which was 150 BPM. The midwife measured my uterus, which measured at 29 weeks. Considering that the baby is measuring 2-3 weeks bigger at each appointment, I may be sent to have a growth ultrasound so they can better determine his size. I guess I will find out at my next appointment if I will be sent for another ultrasound or not...

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