Pink and Green Elephants

My photo
British Columbia, Canada
I'm starting this blog so I can record the amazing, exciting, and nerve-racking journey through pregnancy to parenthood

Monday 13 May 2013

Bellies To Babies Expo!

May 5th, 2013

27 weeks 2 days

So I went to my first ever baby expo! Basically what it entails is a whole bunch of vendors with individual booths set up in a ballroom. Each vendor has a draw you can enter to win something for free-whether it be services or a gift ect ect. There was also a grand prize shopping spree and a super trendy stroller that could be won. 

What was great about the expo was that each vendor had pamphlets and I got a lot of valuable information about paediatric dentists, breast feeding, placenta encapsulation, cloth diapering, and RESPs.  I also got a lot of info about crap I will never use like special wooden teethers, over priced photo shoots, and space-age strollers that look like they are made to push around aliens instead of babies. 

Unfortunately, it was like 30 degrees outside and it seems as though there was no air conditioning in the building so I felt like I was going to pass out! Who thought that putting a couple hundred pregos in a hot, crowded building would be a good idea?

One of my favourite booths was the Tender Tooshies cloth diapering booth. I bought three cloth swim diapers which are adjustable to fit babies from 9-35 pounds, as well as baby leg warmers, a pacifier clip, reusable breast pads, and socks with grippy soles! 

Overall, the expo was a lot of fun and I got to go with my mom too! 

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