Pink and Green Elephants

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British Columbia, Canada
I'm starting this blog so I can record the amazing, exciting, and nerve-racking journey through pregnancy to parenthood

Monday 15 July 2013

Second O.B. Appointment

July 15th 2013

37 weeks 3 days

Today Jamie and I went to see the O.B. again. She was really nice and kept telling me that I have options and that I am the one that gets to choose if I have a C section or a natural birth. 

We reviewed the results of my last ultrasound and she said that the baby looks great and is not as big as she was expecting. Because of this, she said she is comfortable with me trying for a vaginal delivery and that there is no medical need to do a C section or to induce. A C section has been scheduled for August 6th, which will be 40 weeks exactly according to my new due date. So potentially I could be holding my baby in 22 days! The plan is to leave the C section scheduled and to meet again in two weeks to discuss my options. If I am still pregnant in two weeks, the C section will be really tempting and I hope that I can have the will power to cancel it and 

The reason why she does not want to indue until after my due date, is because it can cause more harm than good if the body is not ready and they try and force the baby out. After 40 weeks, the pros begin to outweigh the cons and they will consider induction then. 

The O.B. also checked my cervix and said that I was 1 cm dilated and that my cervix is softening, despite the fact that the baby's head is still high. Man that hurt and it was extremely uncomfortable. I almost cried while she was checking me, which makes me wonder how a wimp such as myself will even tolerate labor!!!!! 

So in an effort to get things moving, she suggested more natural induction methods such as walking and eating pineapple. 

So...I'm really hoping that I won't have to see her again in two weeks and that I will go into labor before then and not have to consider a C section, induction, or going over my due date. 

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