Pink and Green Elephants

My photo
British Columbia, Canada
I'm starting this blog so I can record the amazing, exciting, and nerve-racking journey through pregnancy to parenthood

Saturday 20 April 2013

Free Stuff!

25 weeks 1 day

Jamie and I have been lucky and blessed to receive a lot of baby items for free and today we scored big! 

Today we were given an exersaucer, a swing, a musical toy, an infant carseat, a bathtub, a baby seat, a closet organizer with matching hangers, 20 sleepers/onesies, a bib, and a washcloth all for free!!!!!!! 

From another friend, I was given a couple outfits, a picture for the nursery, a playmat, a bouncy seat, a nursing pillow, and a Jumparoo! And...we got a pack and play from someone else! 

Since I have a few duplicates of things, I can pass them on to others who need them as well! 

I have also been really thrifty and have scored awesome deals from Craigslist, Value Village, and a local thrift shop and have been able to purchase a glider with a matching ottoman, a travel system, a bassinet, a dresser, toys, shoes, clothes, and books second hand and in excellent condition! Also, I have bought several new books and clothes on sale or in baby outlet stores. 

Babies are REALLY expensive, especially the first baby because you have to buy everything. Other great ways to save, aside from buying from Craigslist, thrift stores, and second hand shops, is to make things yourself. 

I made some of the decorations for the baby's room myself and I also plan on making my own baby wipes because it is super easy! I also outsourced all of the bedding, curtains, and the diaper bag to my sister in law, who was able to make me exactly what I wanted at an awesome price! 

Also, sharing things with other moms, borrowing, and asking people for any unwanted baby items is a great way to get a lot of stuff. 

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