Pink and Green Elephants

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British Columbia, Canada
I'm starting this blog so I can record the amazing, exciting, and nerve-racking journey through pregnancy to parenthood

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Fifth Midwife Appointment!


24 weeks 5 days 

So today I had my last monthly appointment and now I will have an appointment every 2-3 weeks until 36 weeks! 

Today the midwife talked about the 3 hour glucose tolerance test I have to take between now and 28 weeks to test for gestational diabetes. I've been DREADING this test because I have to fast for at least 10 hours and I won't be able to eat until after the test is finished. I just know I will be terribly nauseous and I don't know how I'm going to get that sugary drink down! Also, my big concern is that I will end up with gestational diabetes (GD) and that will come with a lot of appointments and complications. 

My midwife also took my blood pressure, which was good like always and I weighed myself and realised that I have gained five pounds in one month! I guess five pounds isn't bad considering that is the only weight I have gained yet. My uterus is measuring at exactly 26 weeks, witch is 9 days ahead but is apparently normal. We got to hear baby's heart beat and he it was the same as last month-140 BPM! Also, this time I felt him moving quite a lot while the midwife was using the doppler. 

The most exciting news is that I am able to switch hospitals and go to the hospital I really wanted to go to all along! The best thing about this hospital, is that it has a birthing tub so I can choose to have a water birth, which will be great for reducing pain and pressure during labor and delivery! 

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