July 31, 2013
39 weeks 4 days
Well today I had a bit of a scare. I noticed that the baby had barely been moving all day, so I had some ice water, coffee, and a snack and sat around for about an hour and a half and the baby did not move once. So I lay down and still no movement. I called the midwife and she had me continue to lay down and call her back after a half hour. So in that half hour, the baby did move around 6 times, which is great, but there was only one strong movement. Because of this, the midwife had me come in to the hospital closest to me. The labor and delivery unit was pretty full, so I ended up in the birthing suite, which is the nicest room in the whole unit. I was pretty thankful to have some privacy, because I spent half the time I was there crying.
The baby was doing great and as soon as the nurse put the heart rate monitor on, the baby kicked! His heart rate was normal and fluctuating properly. He also moved a lot in a half hour period.
I can't believe this! The baby barely moves all day and then he's mister active as soon as I get to the hospital. So I feel pretty silly, but I was reassured that this is almost always the case and I was happy to know that my baby boy is doing well.
The reason I was crying was because I am sleep deprived, hormonal, frustrated, scared, and doubting myself. Being in the birthing suite scared me and really made me realize that any day now, I will be giving birth. Even though I have had months and months to get used to the fact that I am having a baby, it is still surreal. Even when I hear his heart beat or see him on an ultrasound, I still cannot seem to fathom that I am having a baby. And that means that I am going to have to birth said baby. To me, no matter how the delivery happens, it is going to be frightening. I hate hate hate hospitals and medical situations and knowing that the worst pain of my life is just around the corner is a horrifying thought. I'm afraid of the blood and the IV and the pain medication itself. I'm afraid of having to be induced or ending up with a C section. I hate the unknowns and this whole situation is a whole bunch of anxieties wrapped up into one, which is starting to put me over the edge.
Not to mention, I've been off work for three long months and have had way too much time to myself. I am doing everything I can to keep myself busy, but with all my friends apparently busy and little spending money, I end up spending a lot of time at home. It is so frustrating to know that I am wasting such a beautiful sunny summer cooped up inside, but really...I can barely move these days so it's not like I'm going to go hitting up parks and beaches by myself. Not gonna lie, it sucks watching everyone else live it up, while I'm miserable.
And I know that every single second of frustration or fear will be so worth it when I finally get my prize, but at the same time, I have no way to comprehend how amazing that moment will be. I hope for sanity's sake that I do not need an induction or a C section and that little man will hurry up already!
Pink and Green Elephants

- Ria B.
- British Columbia, Canada
- I'm starting this blog so I can record the amazing, exciting, and nerve-racking journey through pregnancy to parenthood
Wednesday, 31 July 2013
O.B. Appointment
July 29th 2013
39 weeks 3 days
Well I definitely did not think that I was going to still be pregnant at this appointment so I was disappointed that I even had to go. Also, I had to wait for an HOUR, which really pissed me off because that is an extra hour of sleep that I really would have benefited from.
I only saw the O.B. for about 15 minutes. She measured and felt my belly and listened to the heart rate, which was about 140 BPM. She checked my blood pressure-which was pretty good as well. The O.B. checked my cervix and said I was about 1.5 cm dilated. She then did a stretch and sweep, which opened my cervix to 2-3 cm. She was also able to feel the baby's head and said that my cervix was shortening and thinning-basically it's doing what it's supposed to.
I discussed my feelings of anxiety with her and she said that she would book me an appointment for three days after my due date and we can discuss an induction then depending on what my cervix is doing. So that is encouraging.
The membrane sweep left me with some cramping and spotting, but that is totally normal. I was really hoping I would be one of those women who would go into labor within 24 hours, so I decided I would go home and try a bunch of natural induction methods. Well...despite trying several things, the baby decided he wasn't ready yet!
So...I may just make it to my next O.B. appointment...shudder.
39 weeks 3 days
Well I definitely did not think that I was going to still be pregnant at this appointment so I was disappointed that I even had to go. Also, I had to wait for an HOUR, which really pissed me off because that is an extra hour of sleep that I really would have benefited from.
I only saw the O.B. for about 15 minutes. She measured and felt my belly and listened to the heart rate, which was about 140 BPM. She checked my blood pressure-which was pretty good as well. The O.B. checked my cervix and said I was about 1.5 cm dilated. She then did a stretch and sweep, which opened my cervix to 2-3 cm. She was also able to feel the baby's head and said that my cervix was shortening and thinning-basically it's doing what it's supposed to.
I discussed my feelings of anxiety with her and she said that she would book me an appointment for three days after my due date and we can discuss an induction then depending on what my cervix is doing. So that is encouraging.
The membrane sweep left me with some cramping and spotting, but that is totally normal. I was really hoping I would be one of those women who would go into labor within 24 hours, so I decided I would go home and try a bunch of natural induction methods. Well...despite trying several things, the baby decided he wasn't ready yet!
So...I may just make it to my next O.B. appointment...shudder.
Thursday, 25 July 2013
38 Weeks!!!!!
July 19th-July 25th
How Far Along: 38 weeks!!! A whole week past full term! Only TWO more weeks until my due date!
Size of baby: Your baby has really plumped up. He weighs about 6.8 pounds and he's over 19 1/2 inches long (like a leek).
My baby this week: He has a firm grasp, which you'll soon be able to test when you hold his hand for the first time! His organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb. Wondering what color your baby's eyes will be? You may not be able to tell right away. If he's born with brown eyes, they'll likely stay brown. If he's born with steel gray or dark blue eyes, they may stay gray or blue or turn green, hazel, or brown by the time he's 9 months old. That's because a child's irises (the colored part of the eye) may gain more pigment in the months after he's born, but they usually won't get "lighter" or more blue. (Green, hazel, and brown eyes have more pigment than gray or blue eyes.)
Sleep: Some nights are better than others. Doesn't matter how much or how little sleep I get because I'm still tired. This week I've actually had two naps before dinner because I just couldn't keep my eyes open anymore!
Best Moment of the Week: Finding out at my last appointment that baby's head has dropped even further into my pelvis.
Movement: Yes he's still squirming around in there, but he must be so cramped!
Food cravings: Well I'm really craving sushi but I haven't yet fulfilled that craving. This week, I've been pretty tame.
Gender: BOY!!!!!!
How Far Along: 38 weeks!!! A whole week past full term! Only TWO more weeks until my due date!
Size of baby: Your baby has really plumped up. He weighs about 6.8 pounds and he's over 19 1/2 inches long (like a leek).
My baby this week: He has a firm grasp, which you'll soon be able to test when you hold his hand for the first time! His organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb. Wondering what color your baby's eyes will be? You may not be able to tell right away. If he's born with brown eyes, they'll likely stay brown. If he's born with steel gray or dark blue eyes, they may stay gray or blue or turn green, hazel, or brown by the time he's 9 months old. That's because a child's irises (the colored part of the eye) may gain more pigment in the months after he's born, but they usually won't get "lighter" or more blue. (Green, hazel, and brown eyes have more pigment than gray or blue eyes.)
Sleep: Some nights are better than others. Doesn't matter how much or how little sleep I get because I'm still tired. This week I've actually had two naps before dinner because I just couldn't keep my eyes open anymore!
Best Moment of the Week: Finding out at my last appointment that baby's head has dropped even further into my pelvis.
Movement: Yes he's still squirming around in there, but he must be so cramped!
Food cravings: Well I'm really craving sushi but I haven't yet fulfilled that craving. This week, I've been pretty tame.
What I Miss: Not being pregnant. I just miss my body.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Finally seeing what baby boy looks like.
Milestones: Well his brain is still continuing to develop, so it makes it worth it to have him still in there getting all smart!
Emotions: Excitement and panic about impending labor.
Symptoms: Much less nausea and vomiting, heartburn, foot pain, back pain, exhaustion.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Finally seeing what baby boy looks like.
Milestones: Well his brain is still continuing to develop, so it makes it worth it to have him still in there getting all smart!
Emotions: Excitement and panic about impending labor.
Symptoms: Much less nausea and vomiting, heartburn, foot pain, back pain, exhaustion.
When I Was Born: My Mom's Account
I went to the hospital in the morning.. went up to my labour room… they spent some time hooking me up and giving me pitocin…
Then when every thing was hooked up… they gave me a stack of magazines to look at to kill time.. your dad was there… they told him he might as well go to work because it was going to take awhile.
So he left and I got comfortable and started to look through the very first magazine… next thing I knew my water broke. The nurse came in and I told her and she checked and said yep your water broke.
I never even got to finish looking through the first magazine because the pain came almost at once. All back pain. The doctor had been there and checked me out and then she left to go back to her office. They called her and told her to get back right away.
They also called your dad and told him he better get there too. He was at his office panicking because he couldn't find his car keys. He had everyone in his office looking for his keys before realizing they were in his pocket. Once he got to the hospital, he told the nurses he needed to get something to eat because he's diabetic. She threw him an orange.
It was all kinda fuzzy because the pain was rather intense and really not much break in between. Next thing I know your dad is there the doctor is there and I'm going into the labour room.
It was over quickly. No time for drugs… just the gas which I would not let them take…
Predict My Labor Quiz
So just for fun I did a "predict my labor" quiz online.
I was born 10 days overdue at 3pm. I weighed 7lbs 7 oz. My mom's labor was about three hours from start to finish.
Jamie was born on his due date at 9:22pm. He weighed 8lbs 11 oz. His mom's labor was about 33 hours from start to finish.
Based on this information my labor prediction is...
That wouldn't be so bad, so let's home the internet is right. lol
I was born 10 days overdue at 3pm. I weighed 7lbs 7 oz. My mom's labor was about three hours from start to finish.
Jamie was born on his due date at 9:22pm. He weighed 8lbs 11 oz. His mom's labor was about 33 hours from start to finish.
Based on this information my labor prediction is...
Just about the time you think you can't handle hearing one more "when is that baby going to pop?", your baby will decide to make it's appearance. We predict your baby will be born 3-7 days before its due date. Your baby will most likely be born in the morning. Justmommies predicts that your baby will weigh approximately 8.0 pounds and that your labor will be about 15 hours long.
That wouldn't be so bad, so let's home the internet is right. lol
12th Midwife Appointment
July 23rd 2013
38 weeks 4 days
Well my appointment today was really uneventful. We saw our favourite midwife, who is the one that leads the clinic.
Baby seems to have slowed down in his growth and my fundal height measurement finally matches the number of weeks I am. Also, my blood pressure continues to be good and my weight gain has stalled this whole month. I have been gaining one pound and then losing it the next week so my total gain so far is 12 pounds! The baby's heart rate continues to be good and he has remained head down and on the right side of my uterus. Because labor tends to be less painful and shorter when the baby is on the left side, the midwife gave me a series of exercises to try every day to try and get the baby to turn. Also, she recommended acupuncture, so I am going to be trying that for the first time on Saturday.
The plan is to cancel my scheduled C section at 40 weeks, and to be induced at 41 weeks if the baby still hasn't been born yet. I'm REALLY REALLY DESPERATELY hoping it doesn't come to that!
38 weeks 4 days
Well my appointment today was really uneventful. We saw our favourite midwife, who is the one that leads the clinic.
Baby seems to have slowed down in his growth and my fundal height measurement finally matches the number of weeks I am. Also, my blood pressure continues to be good and my weight gain has stalled this whole month. I have been gaining one pound and then losing it the next week so my total gain so far is 12 pounds! The baby's heart rate continues to be good and he has remained head down and on the right side of my uterus. Because labor tends to be less painful and shorter when the baby is on the left side, the midwife gave me a series of exercises to try every day to try and get the baby to turn. Also, she recommended acupuncture, so I am going to be trying that for the first time on Saturday.
The plan is to cancel my scheduled C section at 40 weeks, and to be induced at 41 weeks if the baby still hasn't been born yet. I'm REALLY REALLY DESPERATELY hoping it doesn't come to that!
Friday, 19 July 2013
37 Weeks!!!!!
July 12th-July 18th 2013
How Far Along: 37 weeks!!! OFFICIALLY FULL TERM TODAY!!!! Only THREE more weeks until my due date!
Size of baby: Your baby weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (like a stalk of Swiss chard).
My baby this week: Your baby is now considered "full term," even though your due date is three weeks away. If you go into labor now, his lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb. (Some babies need a bit more time, though. So if you're planning to have a repeat c-section, for example, your practitioner will schedule it for no earlier than 39 weeks unless there's a medical reason to intervene earlier.) Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.
Sleep: I think I only had one night of decent sleep the whole week. I AM SO TIRED. I just can't seem to fall asleep, and when I finally do, I wake up every hour or two and have to get up like three times to pee!
Best Moment of the Week: Going to my O.B. appointment and finding out that she is no longer concerned about the baby's shape or size and that it is perfectly safe for me to attempt a vaginal delivery!
Movement: Yes-I feel him moving every day and night and some days he is more active than others. At this point, I'm not feeling many kicks or flutters, but more like rolls and jabs.
Food cravings: This week I have been loving ice tea and Snickers bars! Not the healthiest. I could also go for some sushi, but I have yet to satisfy that craving.
Gender: BOY!!!!!!
What I Miss: I miss myself. I feel like a cranky old lady has taken over my body. I am just miserable and uncomfortable at this point.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Going into labor. It is the strangest feeling knowing that the biggest, most life-changing moment of my life is just around the corner and it could be hours, days, or weeks away!
Milestones: Making it to full term!!!!!
Emotions: Feeling really frustrated that everyone and their dog are having their babies early and I'm still pregnant. I mean, I just hit full term so I still have some time until my due date, but I feel like I've been pregnant forever.
Symptoms: Nothing new. The usual misery.
11th Midwife Appointment
July 17th 2013
37 weeks 4 days
So today I went to see the midwife for my weekly check up. We talked about preparation for birth.
Basically we reviewed the stages of labor and what happens during those stages, what to expect, when to call the midwife ect.
We also talked about what to do if my labor is super fast and I can't get to the hospital in time. Basically, I was instructed to lay down on my side to slow contractions and to call 911 while I wait for the midwife. In the handout, there are also instructions on how to deliver the baby myself.
It seems that the baby has slowed down in growth, as my uterus was only measuring 38 weeks! Also, my blood pressure remains excellent and my weight seems to have plateaued at 13 pounds. The baby's heart rate was 130 BPM and he continues to present head down and on my right side. His head is engaged in my pelvis so now it's just a waiting game...
37 weeks 4 days
So today I went to see the midwife for my weekly check up. We talked about preparation for birth.
Basically we reviewed the stages of labor and what happens during those stages, what to expect, when to call the midwife ect.
We also talked about what to do if my labor is super fast and I can't get to the hospital in time. Basically, I was instructed to lay down on my side to slow contractions and to call 911 while I wait for the midwife. In the handout, there are also instructions on how to deliver the baby myself.
It seems that the baby has slowed down in growth, as my uterus was only measuring 38 weeks! Also, my blood pressure remains excellent and my weight seems to have plateaued at 13 pounds. The baby's heart rate was 130 BPM and he continues to present head down and on my right side. His head is engaged in my pelvis so now it's just a waiting game...
Monday, 15 July 2013
Second O.B. Appointment
July 15th 2013
37 weeks 3 days
Today Jamie and I went to see the O.B. again. She was really nice and kept telling me that I have options and that I am the one that gets to choose if I have a C section or a natural birth.
We reviewed the results of my last ultrasound and she said that the baby looks great and is not as big as she was expecting. Because of this, she said she is comfortable with me trying for a vaginal delivery and that there is no medical need to do a C section or to induce. A C section has been scheduled for August 6th, which will be 40 weeks exactly according to my new due date. So potentially I could be holding my baby in 22 days! The plan is to leave the C section scheduled and to meet again in two weeks to discuss my options. If I am still pregnant in two weeks, the C section will be really tempting and I hope that I can have the will power to cancel it and
The reason why she does not want to indue until after my due date, is because it can cause more harm than good if the body is not ready and they try and force the baby out. After 40 weeks, the pros begin to outweigh the cons and they will consider induction then.
The O.B. also checked my cervix and said that I was 1 cm dilated and that my cervix is softening, despite the fact that the baby's head is still high. Man that hurt and it was extremely uncomfortable. I almost cried while she was checking me, which makes me wonder how a wimp such as myself will even tolerate labor!!!!!
So in an effort to get things moving, she suggested more natural induction methods such as walking and eating pineapple.
So...I'm really hoping that I won't have to see her again in two weeks and that I will go into labor before then and not have to consider a C section, induction, or going over my due date.
37 weeks 3 days
Today Jamie and I went to see the O.B. again. She was really nice and kept telling me that I have options and that I am the one that gets to choose if I have a C section or a natural birth.
We reviewed the results of my last ultrasound and she said that the baby looks great and is not as big as she was expecting. Because of this, she said she is comfortable with me trying for a vaginal delivery and that there is no medical need to do a C section or to induce. A C section has been scheduled for August 6th, which will be 40 weeks exactly according to my new due date. So potentially I could be holding my baby in 22 days! The plan is to leave the C section scheduled and to meet again in two weeks to discuss my options. If I am still pregnant in two weeks, the C section will be really tempting and I hope that I can have the will power to cancel it and
The reason why she does not want to indue until after my due date, is because it can cause more harm than good if the body is not ready and they try and force the baby out. After 40 weeks, the pros begin to outweigh the cons and they will consider induction then.
The O.B. also checked my cervix and said that I was 1 cm dilated and that my cervix is softening, despite the fact that the baby's head is still high. Man that hurt and it was extremely uncomfortable. I almost cried while she was checking me, which makes me wonder how a wimp such as myself will even tolerate labor!!!!!
So in an effort to get things moving, she suggested more natural induction methods such as walking and eating pineapple.
So...I'm really hoping that I won't have to see her again in two weeks and that I will go into labor before then and not have to consider a C section, induction, or going over my due date.
36 Weeks!!!!!
July 5th-July 11th
How Far Along: 36 weeks!!! Only ONE more weeks until full term and 4 until due date!
Size of baby: Your baby is still packing on the pounds — at the rate of about an ounce a day. He now weighs almost 6 pounds (like a crenshaw melon) and is more than 18 1/2 inches long.
My baby this week: He's shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered his body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected his skin during his nine-month amniotic bath. Your baby swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture, called meconium, which will form the contents of his first bowel movement. At the end of this week, your baby will be considered full-term. (Full-term is 37 to 42 weeks; babies born before 37 weeks are pre-term and those born after 42 are post-term.) Most likely he's in a head-down position. But if he isn't, your practitioner may suggest scheduling an "external cephalic version," which is a fancy way of saying she'll try to coax your baby into a head-down position by manipulating him from the outside of your belly.
Sleep: What sleep? Sleep continues to elude me when I need it most. Can you say frustrating????!!!!! It usually takes me a while to fall asleep, and when I do, I wake up a couple hours later and continue to wake up every couple of hours or toss and turn all night. Not to mention-I have to get up at least three times a night to pee and with the congestion it is even harder to find a position that is comfortable enough to sleep in. What makes it even worse is that no matter how tired I am, I continue to sleep badly and then cannot fall asleep for a nap during the day.
Best Moment of the Week: I got to see my baby on the ultrasound again this week and I actually got to see his sweet little face again.
Movement: Of course, although I don't feel him move as much due to the lack of space he has to move around. I feel less kicks and more rolls. It is also really uncomfortable and at times painful. What is cool though is that I can usually feel where the baby is laying.
Food cravings: Still loving the popsicles and soft serve ice cream.
Gender: BOY!!!!!!
What I Miss: A good night's sleep. Yah I know, I probally won't be getting one for a long time.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Making it to full term next week.
Milestones: Making it to the ninth month of pregnancy!
Emotions: So tired of being pregnant, yet terrified and excited about labor happening.
Symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, cramps, pelvic pain, foot pain, exhaustion, lack of sleep, heart burn. The one good thing I have noticed is that my skin has cleared up and I seem to have lost some weight, as my clothes are fitting looser. Not complaining about that!
What I Miss: A good night's sleep. Yah I know, I probally won't be getting one for a long time.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Making it to full term next week.
Milestones: Making it to the ninth month of pregnancy!
Emotions: So tired of being pregnant, yet terrified and excited about labor happening.
Symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, cramps, pelvic pain, foot pain, exhaustion, lack of sleep, heart burn. The one good thing I have noticed is that my skin has cleared up and I seem to have lost some weight, as my clothes are fitting looser. Not complaining about that!
10th Midwife Appointment
July 11th 2013
36 weeks 6 days
Today Jamie, myself, and my doula met with the midwife to talk about complications in labor.
The midwife discussed the major complications, such as shoulder dsytocia, haemorrhaging, episitomys and tearing, breech babies, and infant CPR.
Because shoulder dsytocia (where the baby's shoulder gets caught on the mom's pubic bone and has to be broken in order to get the baby out) was something I was really concerned about, the midwife showed me a model of a woman's pelvis and showed me exactly how the baby moves down the pelvis and how they would get stuck. More importantly, she showed me how they can easily slip their hands inside and gently turn the baby to get him out. Actually seeing that really allowed me to relax, as now it doesn't seem like such a dire situation. Also, I tend to do well with visuals so I can fully understand what's going on.
The midwife also talked about the small chance of haemorrhaging after delivery, or if the placenta gets stuck. In that case, I would have a lot of people tending to me, making sure I get meds and blood if needed. There is only like a 5% chance of this happening so I'm not going to worry about it. Usually, this can be dealt with extremely fast and the mom recovers fine. If the placenta isn't coming out, the midwife will give me some pitocin to cause my uterus to contract and expel the after birth.
About 40% of women experience some minor tearing, and not very many women need episitomys. What is amazing about the human body is that the perineum heals faster than any other area in the body and has an incredible ability to stretch. I know the midwife will try and prevent tearing and will only cut me if absolutely needed so there is a chance that I could deliver this baby vaginally and come out unscathed so to say.
Another possible complication is that the baby would be bum or feet first. Thankfully, my baby's head has been down in my pelvis since at least 28 weeks and there is little chance he will suddenly flip and become breech. Because he is lying on my right side, the midwife wants me to try some exercises to get him to move to the right side, as it will make labor easier and reduce my chances of back labor.
Finally, the midwife talked about infant resuscitation If babies are born and they are not crying, the midwife will rub them down with a towel, which usually gets the baby to cry. If not, the midwife will rub the baby down more vigorously. About 1% of the time, the infant will need CPR.
The midwife also checked my blood pressure, which was good, and measured my uterus. This particular midwife always measures smaller so I only measured at one week ahead at 37 weeks instead of two weeks ahead, which is my norm. She listened to the baby's heart rate which was 130. The heart rate is not usually that low, but the baby was lazy or sleeping at that moment. Later he proceeded to give me a few good kicks to reassure me he was okay!
I expressed my frustrations at being given different information by so many different people, which has made it difficult for me to think about what kind of labor I want and what I can expect. The midwife expressed that she hates giving growth ultrasounds, because they can be so inaccurate. The results are based on the quality of the equipment being used, the skill of the technician the baby's position, and the mother's body. The mere fact that the ultrasound results changed so much in just two weeks proves this point. Also, there is a good chance that the baby isn't as big or weigh as much as they estimate! Also, because I have a short torso, there is less space for the baby so he may appear larger than he is.
I was reassured to know that the midwives will be monitoring me closely, and if my labor is not progressing or they think the baby is not going to fit, they can order a C section and avoid unnecessary problems and complications.
Overall, after discussing my fears and concerns, and by getting more information, I have decided to try for a vaginal delivery and to just go with the flow. I am trying not to worry about all the potential what-ifs and just take it as it comes. It's great to know that I don't have to have a C section and that it is now a choice. Because both mothers and babies do better with a vaginal delivery I am hoping that my labor will progress and I will have a normal delivery.
Since 36 weeks, I am drinking three cups of red raspberry leaf tea a day and taking 1000 mg of evening primrose oil orally. I'm also trying to get in a couple of walks-which is difficult due to pain. At 37 weeks, I will be upping my dosage of evening primrose oil in an attempt to encourage the baby to come by or before his due date.
36 weeks 6 days
Today Jamie, myself, and my doula met with the midwife to talk about complications in labor.
The midwife discussed the major complications, such as shoulder dsytocia, haemorrhaging, episitomys and tearing, breech babies, and infant CPR.
Because shoulder dsytocia (where the baby's shoulder gets caught on the mom's pubic bone and has to be broken in order to get the baby out) was something I was really concerned about, the midwife showed me a model of a woman's pelvis and showed me exactly how the baby moves down the pelvis and how they would get stuck. More importantly, she showed me how they can easily slip their hands inside and gently turn the baby to get him out. Actually seeing that really allowed me to relax, as now it doesn't seem like such a dire situation. Also, I tend to do well with visuals so I can fully understand what's going on.
The midwife also talked about the small chance of haemorrhaging after delivery, or if the placenta gets stuck. In that case, I would have a lot of people tending to me, making sure I get meds and blood if needed. There is only like a 5% chance of this happening so I'm not going to worry about it. Usually, this can be dealt with extremely fast and the mom recovers fine. If the placenta isn't coming out, the midwife will give me some pitocin to cause my uterus to contract and expel the after birth.
About 40% of women experience some minor tearing, and not very many women need episitomys. What is amazing about the human body is that the perineum heals faster than any other area in the body and has an incredible ability to stretch. I know the midwife will try and prevent tearing and will only cut me if absolutely needed so there is a chance that I could deliver this baby vaginally and come out unscathed so to say.
Another possible complication is that the baby would be bum or feet first. Thankfully, my baby's head has been down in my pelvis since at least 28 weeks and there is little chance he will suddenly flip and become breech. Because he is lying on my right side, the midwife wants me to try some exercises to get him to move to the right side, as it will make labor easier and reduce my chances of back labor.
Finally, the midwife talked about infant resuscitation If babies are born and they are not crying, the midwife will rub them down with a towel, which usually gets the baby to cry. If not, the midwife will rub the baby down more vigorously. About 1% of the time, the infant will need CPR.
The midwife also checked my blood pressure, which was good, and measured my uterus. This particular midwife always measures smaller so I only measured at one week ahead at 37 weeks instead of two weeks ahead, which is my norm. She listened to the baby's heart rate which was 130. The heart rate is not usually that low, but the baby was lazy or sleeping at that moment. Later he proceeded to give me a few good kicks to reassure me he was okay!
I expressed my frustrations at being given different information by so many different people, which has made it difficult for me to think about what kind of labor I want and what I can expect. The midwife expressed that she hates giving growth ultrasounds, because they can be so inaccurate. The results are based on the quality of the equipment being used, the skill of the technician the baby's position, and the mother's body. The mere fact that the ultrasound results changed so much in just two weeks proves this point. Also, there is a good chance that the baby isn't as big or weigh as much as they estimate! Also, because I have a short torso, there is less space for the baby so he may appear larger than he is.
I was reassured to know that the midwives will be monitoring me closely, and if my labor is not progressing or they think the baby is not going to fit, they can order a C section and avoid unnecessary problems and complications.
Overall, after discussing my fears and concerns, and by getting more information, I have decided to try for a vaginal delivery and to just go with the flow. I am trying not to worry about all the potential what-ifs and just take it as it comes. It's great to know that I don't have to have a C section and that it is now a choice. Because both mothers and babies do better with a vaginal delivery I am hoping that my labor will progress and I will have a normal delivery.
Since 36 weeks, I am drinking three cups of red raspberry leaf tea a day and taking 1000 mg of evening primrose oil orally. I'm also trying to get in a couple of walks-which is difficult due to pain. At 37 weeks, I will be upping my dosage of evening primrose oil in an attempt to encourage the baby to come by or before his due date.
36.5 Week Ultrasound-Growth Scan
July 10th 2013
36 weeks 5 days
Today Jamie and I went back to the clinic for a repeat growth ultrasound. We had a new ultrasound tech again this time and she did the usual scan. She measured the baby's thigh bone, skull, and abdomen. She also looked at his heart, cord blood flow, amniotic fluid, and the placenta. Everything looked great, except for the fact the abdomen is still measuring so large.
They estimated that the baby weighs 7 lbs 11 oz now, but that his head and legs are no longer so large. So even though he has continued to gain just over a half pound a week, he has also stopped growing? This really makes me realize how inaccurate these growth scans can be...
The tech also checked my cervix again and it went from 2.2 to 1.7 cm in 4 weeks so that's pretty good. The cervix is shortening and doing what it's supposed to so!
The doctor was not concerned at all and said that she has seen shoulder dsytotia in smaller babies more often than in larger babies. The doctor said that what matters is the size of the mother's pelvis and if there is room for the baby to pass through. She has easily delivered twelve pound babies and has had difficulties delivering babies half that size-so it really depends on the mother's body.
Unless I go to full term, I won't need another ultrasound.
On the positive side, the baby had turned slightly so we were able to see the profile of his sweet little face!!!!!
36 weeks 5 days
Today Jamie and I went back to the clinic for a repeat growth ultrasound. We had a new ultrasound tech again this time and she did the usual scan. She measured the baby's thigh bone, skull, and abdomen. She also looked at his heart, cord blood flow, amniotic fluid, and the placenta. Everything looked great, except for the fact the abdomen is still measuring so large.
They estimated that the baby weighs 7 lbs 11 oz now, but that his head and legs are no longer so large. So even though he has continued to gain just over a half pound a week, he has also stopped growing? This really makes me realize how inaccurate these growth scans can be...
The tech also checked my cervix again and it went from 2.2 to 1.7 cm in 4 weeks so that's pretty good. The cervix is shortening and doing what it's supposed to so!
The doctor was not concerned at all and said that she has seen shoulder dsytotia in smaller babies more often than in larger babies. The doctor said that what matters is the size of the mother's pelvis and if there is room for the baby to pass through. She has easily delivered twelve pound babies and has had difficulties delivering babies half that size-so it really depends on the mother's body.
Unless I go to full term, I won't need another ultrasound.
On the positive side, the baby had turned slightly so we were able to see the profile of his sweet little face!!!!!
Monday, 8 July 2013
35 Weeks!!!!!
June 28th-July 4th
How Far Along: 35 weeks!!! Only 5 weeks left!
Size of baby: Your baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that he's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds (pick up a honeydew melon).
My baby this week: Because it's so snug in your womb, he isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times he kicks should remain about the same. His kidneys are fully developed now, and his liver can process some waste products. Most of his basic physical development is now complete — he'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.
Sleep: Jamie has been spending some nights sleeping in the living room, which means I get the bed all to myself. Even so, it's hot and stuffy and I'm big and uncomfortable. So...sleep isn't great.
Best Moment of the Week: There are a few-I got to spend time with all the family this week, which was nice.
Movement: Because he doesn't have much room anymore, his movements mostly feel like he is pressing his body parts against my stomach, which is really uncomfortable and somewhat painful.
Food cravings: I've been loving popsicles lately and eating as many as four a day! Good thing they are non-fat, low cal!
Gender: BOY!!!!!!
What I Miss: Being able to move with ease.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Looking forward to my next set of appointments and seeing how much the baby has grown in two weeks.
What I Miss: Being able to move with ease.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Looking forward to my next set of appointments and seeing how much the baby has grown in two weeks.
Milestones: Lasting this long and without going into preterm labor.
Emotions: Torn between excitement and apprehension of the baby's upcoming arrival and annoyance and impatience that pregnancy is so long!
Symptoms: Nausea, vomiting (has gotten worse lately), cramps, round ligament pain, back pain, foot aches, pelvic pain, heart burn.
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