13 weeks 5 days
So I got a call from my midwife today to discuss my blood test results.
I was sure that my iron must be low because I have been more tired than ever, but she told me that my iron levels were the best she had seen in over two years! She also told me what my blood type is and that my haemoglobin, thyroid, and blood clotting factors were excellent. I also tested negative for all STIs and she said that I have nothing to worry about.
I have to go back in a few more weeks to do my second blood draw to determine if the baby has any chromosomal or neural tube defects. Fingers crossed that those results will be excellent as well. I am confident that they will be, as I saw my baby at 11w4d and it was healthy and perfectly formed then.
Pink and Green Elephants

- Ria B.
- British Columbia, Canada
- I'm starting this blog so I can record the amazing, exciting, and nerve-racking journey through pregnancy to parenthood
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
Saturday, 26 January 2013
13 Weeks!!!!!
13 Weeks!!!!-Lemon Baby
My baby this week: Fingerprints have formed on your baby's tiny fingertips, his veins and organs are clearly visible through his still-thin skin, and his body is starting to catch up with his head — which makes up just a third of his body size now. If you're having a girl, she now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries.
Maternity Clothes: Yes, however I did try on my old jeans to find that they fit perfectly! I guess the bloating is wearing off and the real belly is forming.
Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty well, although I am still having nightmares sometimes.
Best Moment of the Week: So many great moments this week! Having my due date moved up a week and getting to hear my baby's heartbeat on the doppler at the midwife's office, as well as getting my gender scan booked, telling the world about our baby, and going baby shopping!
Movement: The baby is moving around but I can't feel it.
Food cravings: Whatever I feel I can stomach that day. Sour candies and slurpees always seem to go down well, although not the healthiest thing to eat lol!
Gender: Not sure yet. Most people tell me they think it's a girl.
What I Miss: My old clothes.
What I'm Looking Forward To: The gender scan on March 15th!!!!!!
Milestones: Making it to the second trimester!
Emotions: I've been kind of an emotional mess lately-so many hormones is making me crazy sometimes.
Size of baby: Our baby is almost 3 inches long (the size of a medium shrimp) and weighs nearly an ounce.
Size of baby: Our baby is almost 3 inches long (the size of a medium shrimp) and weighs nearly an ounce.
My baby this week: Fingerprints have formed on your baby's tiny fingertips, his veins and organs are clearly visible through his still-thin skin, and his body is starting to catch up with his head — which makes up just a third of his body size now. If you're having a girl, she now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries.
Maternity Clothes: Yes, however I did try on my old jeans to find that they fit perfectly! I guess the bloating is wearing off and the real belly is forming.
Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty well, although I am still having nightmares sometimes.
Best Moment of the Week: So many great moments this week! Having my due date moved up a week and getting to hear my baby's heartbeat on the doppler at the midwife's office, as well as getting my gender scan booked, telling the world about our baby, and going baby shopping!
Movement: The baby is moving around but I can't feel it.
Food cravings: Whatever I feel I can stomach that day. Sour candies and slurpees always seem to go down well, although not the healthiest thing to eat lol!
Gender: Not sure yet. Most people tell me they think it's a girl.
What I Miss: My old clothes.
What I'm Looking Forward To: The gender scan on March 15th!!!!!!
Milestones: Making it to the second trimester!
Emotions: I've been kind of an emotional mess lately-so many hormones is making me crazy sometimes.
Thursday, 24 January 2013
Telling The World
12 weeks 5 days
Another very exciting thing that happened today was that we got to tell the world about our baby! Have you ever tried to keep a pregnancy a secret? Well it is hard...not only due to the obvious physical changes, exhaustion, and vomiting, but also because it is the most exciting thing ever!
I did end up letting it slip to a lot of people before I made my grand announcement-but now the cat is officially out of the bag!
Jamie and I were blessed to receive several likes and many positive and congratulatory comments!
This is the picture we put up on our Facebook:
12 weeks 5 days
Another very exciting thing that happened today was that we got to tell the world about our baby! Have you ever tried to keep a pregnancy a secret? Well it is hard...not only due to the obvious physical changes, exhaustion, and vomiting, but also because it is the most exciting thing ever!
I did end up letting it slip to a lot of people before I made my grand announcement-but now the cat is officially out of the bag!
Jamie and I were blessed to receive several likes and many positive and congratulatory comments!
This is the picture we put up on our Facebook:
Second Midwife Appointment
12 weeks 5 days
Today I had my second appointment with the midwife, which proved to be very exciting.
Firstly they took my blood pressure, which was great, and secondly, they used the Doppler to find the baby's heartbeat! I have never used a Doppler before so it was an exciting experience! When I had my ultrasound, the tech put the probe down very low in my pelvic area and that is where she put the probe today but had to move it higher because my baby is higher! So exciting to know that the baby is growing so much and moving up into my abdomen!!!!! I also got to record the heartbeat and send it to friends and family and I get to listen to it whenever I want!
They spent a lot of time asking me a bunch of questions that the government uses to collect information for their census-so I was asked questions about my employment and level of education, along with health information.
They also gave me the forms I need to get all my blood work done. They test you for blood type, STIs, haemoglobin, and they run a separate panel to check for any developmental/neurological problems in the baby. So I'm hoping to go get that done on Friday so I can get it out of the way.
They discussed the results of my ultrasound and they said that based on my scan, my due date has changed a full week!!!!! Which is soooo exciting to know that I just gained a week of pregnancy and that puts me only two days away from the second trimester and one full week closer to finding out the gender!
So if anyone is wondering why there is no week 12, that is why!
12 weeks 5 days
Today I had my second appointment with the midwife, which proved to be very exciting.
Firstly they took my blood pressure, which was great, and secondly, they used the Doppler to find the baby's heartbeat! I have never used a Doppler before so it was an exciting experience! When I had my ultrasound, the tech put the probe down very low in my pelvic area and that is where she put the probe today but had to move it higher because my baby is higher! So exciting to know that the baby is growing so much and moving up into my abdomen!!!!! I also got to record the heartbeat and send it to friends and family and I get to listen to it whenever I want!
They spent a lot of time asking me a bunch of questions that the government uses to collect information for their census-so I was asked questions about my employment and level of education, along with health information.
They also gave me the forms I need to get all my blood work done. They test you for blood type, STIs, haemoglobin, and they run a separate panel to check for any developmental/neurological problems in the baby. So I'm hoping to go get that done on Friday so I can get it out of the way.
They discussed the results of my ultrasound and they said that based on my scan, my due date has changed a full week!!!!! Which is soooo exciting to know that I just gained a week of pregnancy and that puts me only two days away from the second trimester and one full week closer to finding out the gender!
So if anyone is wondering why there is no week 12, that is why!
Friday, 18 January 2013
11 Weeks!
11 weeks-Prune Baby!
Best Moment of the Week: Having our second ultrasound and finding out that our baby is perfect and healthy and seeing it move!
Movement: The baby is moving around a lot in there but I can't feel it yet.
Food cravings: My cravings change everyday. This week I was craving a blue Hawaiian cupcake from Cupcakes but I never got it.
Gender: Girl I think.
What I Miss: Wine. A nice glass of white after a long day of work.
What I'm Looking Forward To: My next midwife appointment on Wednesday.
Milestones: One more week until I make my official announcement.
Emotions: Less moody this week thankfully.
Symptoms: Cramps, acne, round ligament pain, nausea, vomiting, exhaustion.
11 weeks-Prune Baby!
Size of baby: Just over 1 1/2 inches long and about the size of a fig.
My baby this week: Your baby is now almost fully formed. His hands will soon open and close into fists, tiny tooth buds are beginning to appear under his gums, and some of his bones are beginning to harden. He's already busy kicking and stretching, and his tiny movements are so effortless they look like water ballet. These movements will become more frequent as his body grows and becomes more developed and functional. You won't feel your baby's acrobatics for another month or two — nor will you notice the hiccupping that may be happening now that her diaphragm is forming.
Maternity Clothes: Yup! Now I can actually feel my belly hardening.
Sleep: Terrible. Still getting up every morning to pee but I sleep pretty well. What gets me are the horrible vivid nightmares that freak me out!
My baby this week: Your baby is now almost fully formed. His hands will soon open and close into fists, tiny tooth buds are beginning to appear under his gums, and some of his bones are beginning to harden. He's already busy kicking and stretching, and his tiny movements are so effortless they look like water ballet. These movements will become more frequent as his body grows and becomes more developed and functional. You won't feel your baby's acrobatics for another month or two — nor will you notice the hiccupping that may be happening now that her diaphragm is forming.
Maternity Clothes: Yup! Now I can actually feel my belly hardening.
Sleep: Terrible. Still getting up every morning to pee but I sleep pretty well. What gets me are the horrible vivid nightmares that freak me out!
Best Moment of the Week: Having our second ultrasound and finding out that our baby is perfect and healthy and seeing it move!
Movement: The baby is moving around a lot in there but I can't feel it yet.
Food cravings: My cravings change everyday. This week I was craving a blue Hawaiian cupcake from Cupcakes but I never got it.
Gender: Girl I think.
What I Miss: Wine. A nice glass of white after a long day of work.
What I'm Looking Forward To: My next midwife appointment on Wednesday.
Milestones: One more week until I make my official announcement.
Emotions: Less moody this week thankfully.
Symptoms: Cramps, acne, round ligament pain, nausea, vomiting, exhaustion.
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
Second Ultrasound
10 weeks 4 days
I am ELATED!!!!!
I just got home from my second ultrasound and now I can breathe a huge sigh of relief! The baby looked perfect! Baby was moving around and I could see their little heart beating away! The heartbeat was 163 BPM and I am measuring three days ahead at 11 weeks exactly. The baby had a perfectly formed little face and body and looked so amazing!
I can't believe that the baby looked like a little person already with arms and legs and a nose and mouth. It was by far one of the most amazing things I have ever seen and to know that this little one is growing inside me strong and healthy makes me so happy!
10 weeks 4 days
I am ELATED!!!!!
I just got home from my second ultrasound and now I can breathe a huge sigh of relief! The baby looked perfect! Baby was moving around and I could see their little heart beating away! The heartbeat was 163 BPM and I am measuring three days ahead at 11 weeks exactly. The baby had a perfectly formed little face and body and looked so amazing!
I can't believe that the baby looked like a little person already with arms and legs and a nose and mouth. It was by far one of the most amazing things I have ever seen and to know that this little one is growing inside me strong and healthy makes me so happy!
Monday, 14 January 2013
This Week's Exciting Baby Purchase!
10 weeks
So today my husband drove over an hour to pick up this amazing glider and ottoman that I found on Craigslist. I have been wanting to get one since before I found out I was pregnant and I was really happy to find it slightly used for way cheaper than the original price!
It looks so perfect in the nursery and it is the most comfortable chair EVER! I can't wait to sit in it and rock my baby to sleep.
10 weeks
So today my husband drove over an hour to pick up this amazing glider and ottoman that I found on Craigslist. I have been wanting to get one since before I found out I was pregnant and I was really happy to find it slightly used for way cheaper than the original price!
It looks so perfect in the nursery and it is the most comfortable chair EVER! I can't wait to sit in it and rock my baby to sleep.
Friday, 11 January 2013
10 Weeks!
10 weeks-Lime baby!
My baby this week: Your baby has now completed the most critical portion of his development. This is the beginning of the so-called fetal period, a time when the tissues and organs in his body rapidly grow and mature. He's swallowing fluid and kicking up a storm. Vital organs — including his kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver (now making red blood cells in place of the disappearing yolk sac) — are in place and starting to function, though they'll continue to develop throughout your pregnancy. If you could take a peek inside your womb, you'd spot minute details, like tiny nails forming on fingers and toes (no more webbing) and peach-fuzz hair beginning to grow on tender skin. In other developments: Your baby's limbs can bend now. His hands are flexed at the wrist and meet over his heart, and his feet may be long enough to meet in front of his body. The outline of his spine is clearly visible through translucent skin, and spinal nerves are beginning to stretch out from his spinal cord. Your baby's forehead temporarily bulges with his developing brain and sits very high on his head, which measures half the length of his body. From crown to rump, he's about 1 1/4 inches long. In the coming weeks, your baby will again double in size — to nearly 3 inches.
Size of baby: Though he's barely the size of a kumquat — a little over an inch or so long, crown to bottom — and weighs less than a quarter of an ounce
Maternity Clothes: Exclusively. Even my yoga pants are uncomfortable.
Sleep: Sleeping a lot and having some crazy dreams. I had a really bad nightmare one night and woke up in tears.
Best Moment of the Week: Getting my hair cut-It has gotten so dull and dry from pregnancy. And going to see The Hobbit!
Movement: No.
Food cravings: Been trying to eat more fruit and veggies. Having to eat quite frequently, which is really annoying, especially since I don't have much of an appetite.
Size of baby: Though he's barely the size of a kumquat — a little over an inch or so long, crown to bottom — and weighs less than a quarter of an ounce
Maternity Clothes: Exclusively. Even my yoga pants are uncomfortable.
Sleep: Sleeping a lot and having some crazy dreams. I had a really bad nightmare one night and woke up in tears.
Best Moment of the Week: Getting my hair cut-It has gotten so dull and dry from pregnancy. And going to see The Hobbit!
Movement: No.
Food cravings: Been trying to eat more fruit and veggies. Having to eat quite frequently, which is really annoying, especially since I don't have much of an appetite.
Gender: Not sure.
What I Miss: Being able to spend all my extra money on me...each paycheque I am buying a few things for the baby.
What I'm Looking Forward To: My ultrasound on Tuesday! I will be 10w4d.
Milestones: My baby is officially a fetus this week! He graduated from embryo status.
Emotions: Freaking out that something is wrong with the baby and worrying over my upcoming ultrasound.
Symptoms: Bloating, acne, dry hair, lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting.
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
Does this end? Please tell me it ends!!!!
9 weeks 5 days
Probably the most annoying and frustrating pregnancy symptom I currently have is my constant need to eat. I have been eating all day and it doesn't matter what I eat, I am hungry again like a half hour later! If I keep going at this rate, I will be obese by the time I deliver. I really don't want to gain a whole bunch of extra weight that I have to lose on top of dealing with a newborn. And when I say I have to eat, I mean it. If I don't eat when I start getting hungry then I get very nauseous and I start feeling sick. Hopefully this goes away soon.
9 weeks 5 days
Probably the most annoying and frustrating pregnancy symptom I currently have is my constant need to eat. I have been eating all day and it doesn't matter what I eat, I am hungry again like a half hour later! If I keep going at this rate, I will be obese by the time I deliver. I really don't want to gain a whole bunch of extra weight that I have to lose on top of dealing with a newborn. And when I say I have to eat, I mean it. If I don't eat when I start getting hungry then I get very nauseous and I start feeling sick. Hopefully this goes away soon.
Vaxing and Cloth Diapering
9 weeks 5 days
I'm not even ten weeks pregnant yet and so far I feel so overwhelmed by all these choices I have to make. I know I have seven more months before the baby is due but the pressure is on!
I'm supposed to decide what to do with this little person growing inside me and knowing that I am going to be responsible for someone else's life is very nerve-wracking.
It seems that there are so many more choices when it comes to parenting than there were a few decades ago. I never used to hear about people deciding on whether or not to vaccinate their kids. It seems like everyone just did and that was that. I think it's amazing that there is a cure for life-threatening diseases like meningitis, polio, rubella, measles, and mumps. I feel blessed to live in a place where my children can receive these immunizations for free and be protected from these diseases. I haven't done the research yet for myself so I really don't know why parents choose not to give their children these vaccinations. When I was in high school, a 15 year old got meningitis and died. So...I'm leaning more towards vaccinating. Also, it seems that most children get vaccinated and it is common practise in Canada-I'm trying to have some faith that there are more pros than cons.
I also never used to hear about cloth diapering-as far as i know, that was something of the dark ages. But...more and more mommies out there are choosing this option for their baby. I have done a lot of research on the whole cloth vs. disposable debate and I can say with confidence that cloth diapers are WAY cheaper, environmentally friendly, and healthier for the baby. A parent can save approx. $2000 per baby by cloth diapering. That in itself is a reason to consider it as an option. If you decide to cloth diaper, you need to buy at least 18 diapers with inserts. Also, you need to buy special diaper cream and laundry soap-as regular cream and soap will degrade the diaper. Another item that must be purchased with cloth diapering is a diaper sprayer that you use to spray soiled diapers in the toilet. Other items parents may want to consider getting when using cloth are wet bags, which are reusable and washable fabric bags that you can pet dirty diapers in when you are on the go. Buying cloth wipes are also an option-but that is a lot of commitment. All that said, cloth diapering is a big initial expense. A diapering package like this can easily cost around $500. Even with the long-term savings, there are a lot of cons of cloth diapering. Just like with disposable diapers, a parent may have to try several different brands before they find one that fits their baby properly. Cloth-diapering mom's recommend that you buy 2-3 of several different brands so you can find ones that work the best, but doing this will cost a lot of money and you may end up with a whole bunch of expensive diapers that you can't use. If you find that only a few diapers you bought worked, then you have to spend hundreds more dollars on more diapers. Other cons include doing laundry daily or at least every two days...Can you imagine the stink of diapers that have been sitting for days and having to put that in your washing machine? I also don't relish the thought of scraping poo out of diapers either. Changing diapers is nasty is enough without having to worry about spraying them off and taking them apart to be washed. And are you supposed to be carrying your baby around with you so you can get all this done? Another con is travel and childcare. No one I know would know how to use a cloth diaper, nor would I want to subject anyone who is nice enough to watch my kid to having to deal with cloth diapers. And when it comes to travelling, cloth diapering is not an option, as they have to be washed everyday or two and you can't really do that while "on the road." Even parents who cloth diaper will have to use disposable diapers at some time. And while cloth diapers are much more environmentally friendly-I honestly just don't care enough about the environment to scrape poopy diapers each day-I'll recycle instead.
And then there's the whole controversial topic of circumcision-which I won't get into unless I find out I'm having a boy!
9 weeks 5 days
I'm not even ten weeks pregnant yet and so far I feel so overwhelmed by all these choices I have to make. I know I have seven more months before the baby is due but the pressure is on!
I'm supposed to decide what to do with this little person growing inside me and knowing that I am going to be responsible for someone else's life is very nerve-wracking.
It seems that there are so many more choices when it comes to parenting than there were a few decades ago. I never used to hear about people deciding on whether or not to vaccinate their kids. It seems like everyone just did and that was that. I think it's amazing that there is a cure for life-threatening diseases like meningitis, polio, rubella, measles, and mumps. I feel blessed to live in a place where my children can receive these immunizations for free and be protected from these diseases. I haven't done the research yet for myself so I really don't know why parents choose not to give their children these vaccinations. When I was in high school, a 15 year old got meningitis and died. So...I'm leaning more towards vaccinating. Also, it seems that most children get vaccinated and it is common practise in Canada-I'm trying to have some faith that there are more pros than cons.
I also never used to hear about cloth diapering-as far as i know, that was something of the dark ages. But...more and more mommies out there are choosing this option for their baby. I have done a lot of research on the whole cloth vs. disposable debate and I can say with confidence that cloth diapers are WAY cheaper, environmentally friendly, and healthier for the baby. A parent can save approx. $2000 per baby by cloth diapering. That in itself is a reason to consider it as an option. If you decide to cloth diaper, you need to buy at least 18 diapers with inserts. Also, you need to buy special diaper cream and laundry soap-as regular cream and soap will degrade the diaper. Another item that must be purchased with cloth diapering is a diaper sprayer that you use to spray soiled diapers in the toilet. Other items parents may want to consider getting when using cloth are wet bags, which are reusable and washable fabric bags that you can pet dirty diapers in when you are on the go. Buying cloth wipes are also an option-but that is a lot of commitment. All that said, cloth diapering is a big initial expense. A diapering package like this can easily cost around $500. Even with the long-term savings, there are a lot of cons of cloth diapering. Just like with disposable diapers, a parent may have to try several different brands before they find one that fits their baby properly. Cloth-diapering mom's recommend that you buy 2-3 of several different brands so you can find ones that work the best, but doing this will cost a lot of money and you may end up with a whole bunch of expensive diapers that you can't use. If you find that only a few diapers you bought worked, then you have to spend hundreds more dollars on more diapers. Other cons include doing laundry daily or at least every two days...Can you imagine the stink of diapers that have been sitting for days and having to put that in your washing machine? I also don't relish the thought of scraping poo out of diapers either. Changing diapers is nasty is enough without having to worry about spraying them off and taking them apart to be washed. And are you supposed to be carrying your baby around with you so you can get all this done? Another con is travel and childcare. No one I know would know how to use a cloth diaper, nor would I want to subject anyone who is nice enough to watch my kid to having to deal with cloth diapers. And when it comes to travelling, cloth diapering is not an option, as they have to be washed everyday or two and you can't really do that while "on the road." Even parents who cloth diaper will have to use disposable diapers at some time. And while cloth diapers are much more environmentally friendly-I honestly just don't care enough about the environment to scrape poopy diapers each day-I'll recycle instead.
And then there's the whole controversial topic of circumcision-which I won't get into unless I find out I'm having a boy!
Sunday, 6 January 2013
9 Weeks!
Jan/4/2013-Jan 10/2013
9 Weeks-Prune Baby!
My baby this week: Your new resident is nearly an inch long — about the size of a grape — and weighs just a fraction of an ounce. He's starting to look more and more human. His essential body parts are accounted for, though they'll go through plenty of fine-tuning in the coming months. Other changes abound: Your baby's heart finishes dividing into four chambers, and the valves start to form — as do his tiny teeth. The embryonic "tail" is completely gone. Your baby's organs, muscles, and nerves are kicking into gear. The external sex organs are there but won't be distinguishable as male or female for another few weeks. His eyes are fully formed, but his eyelids are fused shut and won't open until 27 weeks. He has tiny earlobes, and her mouth, nose, and nostrils are more distinct. The placenta is developed enough now to take over most of the critical job of producing hormones. Now that your baby's basic physiology is in place, he's poised for rapid weight gain.
Size of baby: The baby has grown to the size of a grape, weighs a fraction of an ounce, and is almost 1 inch long.
Maternity Clothes: Yes-I'm even outgrowing my zip up hoodies.
Sleep: Crazy dreams. Can't get enough sleep.
Best Moment of the Week: Having the energy to clean and reorganize my apartment and going out for dinner and a movie! Oh...and finding out that I get another early ultrasound!
Movement: No.
Food cravings: I started feeling better a few days ago so I've been eating more...maybe that's where those two pounds came from! Subway!!!!! omg...I'm dying for a sub!
Gender: Girl? Boy? I dunno!
What I Miss: Spending time with my friends. Up till now, I haven't had the energy to go anywhere except work...which I've barely had the energy to do either.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Having the energy to see my friends more!
Milestones: Only 4 more weeks left in my first trimester! One more month...woot woot!!!!
Emotions: I had a good cry over a juice commercial. Minute Maid made me emotional.
Symptoms: Cramps-I can feel my uterus stretching and growing, round ligament pain, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, constant hunger. I caught my husband's cold this week too. When I get colds they sometimes turn into a full blown sinus infection and I can't take the normal medicine I used to now that I'm pregnant so hoping this cold just goes away soon on it's own.
9 Weeks-Prune Baby!
My baby this week: Your new resident is nearly an inch long — about the size of a grape — and weighs just a fraction of an ounce. He's starting to look more and more human. His essential body parts are accounted for, though they'll go through plenty of fine-tuning in the coming months. Other changes abound: Your baby's heart finishes dividing into four chambers, and the valves start to form — as do his tiny teeth. The embryonic "tail" is completely gone. Your baby's organs, muscles, and nerves are kicking into gear. The external sex organs are there but won't be distinguishable as male or female for another few weeks. His eyes are fully formed, but his eyelids are fused shut and won't open until 27 weeks. He has tiny earlobes, and her mouth, nose, and nostrils are more distinct. The placenta is developed enough now to take over most of the critical job of producing hormones. Now that your baby's basic physiology is in place, he's poised for rapid weight gain.
Size of baby: The baby has grown to the size of a grape, weighs a fraction of an ounce, and is almost 1 inch long.
Maternity Clothes: Yes-I'm even outgrowing my zip up hoodies.
Sleep: Crazy dreams. Can't get enough sleep.
Best Moment of the Week: Having the energy to clean and reorganize my apartment and going out for dinner and a movie! Oh...and finding out that I get another early ultrasound!
Movement: No.
Food cravings: I started feeling better a few days ago so I've been eating more...maybe that's where those two pounds came from! Subway!!!!! omg...I'm dying for a sub!
Gender: Girl? Boy? I dunno!
What I Miss: Spending time with my friends. Up till now, I haven't had the energy to go anywhere except work...which I've barely had the energy to do either.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Having the energy to see my friends more!
Milestones: Only 4 more weeks left in my first trimester! One more month...woot woot!!!!
Emotions: I had a good cry over a juice commercial. Minute Maid made me emotional.
Symptoms: Cramps-I can feel my uterus stretching and growing, round ligament pain, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, constant hunger. I caught my husband's cold this week too. When I get colds they sometimes turn into a full blown sinus infection and I can't take the normal medicine I used to now that I'm pregnant so hoping this cold just goes away soon on it's own.
Feeling Goooooood!
8 weeks 4 days
I woke up this morning and I was able to get up without having to run to the bathroom to puke!
I had the day off and I had a burst of energy and no morning sickness so I spent the day taking down my Christmas decorations, cleaning my house, reorganizing a bunch of stuff, doing four loads of laundry, and moving a bunch of stuff down to our storage locker.
When my husband got home, he took me out on a date! We went to the Old Spaghetti factory for dinner and then went to the Cineplex theatre to see the movie "This is 40."
The movie was really good-it is about a couple who turn 40 years old and are forced to re-evaluate their life and their priorities. She faces an unexpected pregnancy at 40 years old just as her both of their businesses are suffering. They may have to sell their home due to financial worries and and are struggling to navigate complicated family relationships. All in all-it was a good flick.
8 weeks 4 days
I woke up this morning and I was able to get up without having to run to the bathroom to puke!
I had the day off and I had a burst of energy and no morning sickness so I spent the day taking down my Christmas decorations, cleaning my house, reorganizing a bunch of stuff, doing four loads of laundry, and moving a bunch of stuff down to our storage locker.
When my husband got home, he took me out on a date! We went to the Old Spaghetti factory for dinner and then went to the Cineplex theatre to see the movie "This is 40."
The movie was really good-it is about a couple who turn 40 years old and are forced to re-evaluate their life and their priorities. She faces an unexpected pregnancy at 40 years old just as her both of their businesses are suffering. They may have to sell their home due to financial worries and and are struggling to navigate complicated family relationships. All in all-it was a good flick.
8 Weeks!
8 Weeks-Raspberry Baby!
My baby this week: Webbed fingers and toes are poking out from your baby's hands and feet, his eyelids practically cover his eyes, breathing tubes extend from his throat to the branches of his developing lungs, and his "tail" is just about gone. In his brain, nerve cells are branching out to connect with one another, forming primitive neural pathways. You may be daydreaming about your baby as one sex or the other, but the external genitals still haven't developed enough to reveal whether you're having a boy or a girl. Either way, your baby — about the size of a kidney bean — is constantly moving and shifting, though you still can't feel it.
Size of baby: ½ inch long, about the of a kidney bean.
Maternity Clothes: Uh...yah. I've been as bloated as a whale since the beginning of my pregnancy so I am wearing yoga pants and maternity clothes almost exclusively. I haven't been able to button my jeans for weeks. Sigh.
Sleep: Sleeping a lot but no matter how much I sleep, I go to bed and wake up exhausted.
Best Moment of the Week: Going to BabiesRUs to look around and being able to test drive my favorite stroller...which I am definitely sold on now!!!
Movement: I swear I felt little flutters once but I doubt it.
Food cravings: I get hungry so fast-I can eat a whole meal and be STARVING in an hour! It's really annoying because I have no appetite but as soon as I get hungry, I feel even sicker so I have to force myself to eat quite frequently. What I've been eating a lot-soup, sour candies, and juice.
Gender: It's either a boy or a girl...that I'm sure.
What I Miss: The occasional glass of wine. It sucks celebrating holidays without a glass of champagne or glass of white wine with dinner.
What I'm Looking Forward To: The end of morning sickness.
Milestones: Not throwing up every morning this week!
Emotions: My poor husband-I'm pretty cranky and short tempered sometimes. I try and keep it under wraps but I find myself to be more impatient than ever.
Symptoms: bad morning sickness, frequent hunger, exhaustion, acne.
8 Weeks-Raspberry Baby!
My baby this week: Webbed fingers and toes are poking out from your baby's hands and feet, his eyelids practically cover his eyes, breathing tubes extend from his throat to the branches of his developing lungs, and his "tail" is just about gone. In his brain, nerve cells are branching out to connect with one another, forming primitive neural pathways. You may be daydreaming about your baby as one sex or the other, but the external genitals still haven't developed enough to reveal whether you're having a boy or a girl. Either way, your baby — about the size of a kidney bean — is constantly moving and shifting, though you still can't feel it.
Size of baby: ½ inch long, about the of a kidney bean.
Maternity Clothes: Uh...yah. I've been as bloated as a whale since the beginning of my pregnancy so I am wearing yoga pants and maternity clothes almost exclusively. I haven't been able to button my jeans for weeks. Sigh.
Sleep: Sleeping a lot but no matter how much I sleep, I go to bed and wake up exhausted.
Best Moment of the Week: Going to BabiesRUs to look around and being able to test drive my favorite stroller...which I am definitely sold on now!!!
Movement: I swear I felt little flutters once but I doubt it.
Food cravings: I get hungry so fast-I can eat a whole meal and be STARVING in an hour! It's really annoying because I have no appetite but as soon as I get hungry, I feel even sicker so I have to force myself to eat quite frequently. What I've been eating a lot-soup, sour candies, and juice.
Gender: It's either a boy or a girl...that I'm sure.
What I Miss: The occasional glass of wine. It sucks celebrating holidays without a glass of champagne or glass of white wine with dinner.
What I'm Looking Forward To: The end of morning sickness.
Milestones: Not throwing up every morning this week!
Emotions: My poor husband-I'm pretty cranky and short tempered sometimes. I try and keep it under wraps but I find myself to be more impatient than ever.
Symptoms: bad morning sickness, frequent hunger, exhaustion, acne.
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!
7 weeks 3 days
Christmas morning I woke up and puked! Not the best way to start off the holiday. I spent the rest of the day absolutely exhausted!!!!!
But...my husband and I had a great time with my parents eating, opening gifts, and eating again.
7 weeks 3 days
Christmas morning I woke up and puked! Not the best way to start off the holiday. I spent the rest of the day absolutely exhausted!!!!!
But...my husband and I had a great time with my parents eating, opening gifts, and eating again.
7 Weeks!
7 Weeks-Blueberry Baby!
My baby this week: week your baby's brain is growing at a mind-boggling 100 cells per minute within a see-through skull. If you could peer inside, you'd see those tiny brain cells growing and growing and growing (about as quickly as you feel like yours are shrinking and shrinking and shrinking with your "pregnancy brain"!). More high points include:
Your baby's face is becoming more defined this week. A tiny mouth hole (which will be ready to wail before you know it!), tongue, nostrils and ear indentations are visible. His or her eyes are wide open, but he doesn't have irises (the colored part) yet.
Baby's arm buds are growing. At this point they look more like microscopic ping-pong paddles than arms. Baby's leg buds are also forming and will look like tiny paddles by the end of the week.
The umbilical cord—the connection between your baby and the placenta—is now visible.
Side of baby: Your baby is now between 1/3 and 1/4 inch long—about the length of a Tic Tac and about as heavy as an eyelash. While that sounds tiny, he or she is approximately 10,000 times bigger than at conception. Crazy, huh?
Maternity Clothes: Don't even get me started on this...so bloated it's not even funny..and definitely not cute!
Sleep: Sleeping pretty well...I get up in the mornings to pee and then I puke and then I eat and go back to sleep.
Best Moment of the Week: Getting to see my baby at the ultrasound yesterday!
Movement: No.
Food Cravings: It changes day by day...I'm craving salty foods, which is weird because I normally have such a big sweet tooth. I can't even stomach any of the chocolate I got for Christmas, which is unheard of for me.
Gender: Baby's heart beat was 139 bpm at 6w6d and that indicates boy, but the ultrasound tech said that method of gender prediction is very unreliable. Equally unreliable I'm sure is the ring on a string test-and that said girl. I'm dying of morning sickness and I look horrible (they say a girl steals her mommy's looks) which indicates girl. Oh and I did the Chinese Calendar and it says its a girl too. I've been having girl dreams and I just have this inkling that it is a girl. Fortunately I will be happy either way, but if I find out it is a boy, I think I will be surprised!
What I Miss: Being able to eat when I'm hungry without feeling like vomiting.
What I'm Looking Forward to: The end of this horrible and never ending nausea.
Milestones: Seeing and hearing the baby's heartbeat yesterday.
Emotions: Snappy, crying over stupid TV commercials, less patient.
Symptoms: morning sickness, no appetite, cramps, bloating, fatigue, acne, dry hair.
My baby this week: week your baby's brain is growing at a mind-boggling 100 cells per minute within a see-through skull. If you could peer inside, you'd see those tiny brain cells growing and growing and growing (about as quickly as you feel like yours are shrinking and shrinking and shrinking with your "pregnancy brain"!). More high points include:
Your baby's face is becoming more defined this week. A tiny mouth hole (which will be ready to wail before you know it!), tongue, nostrils and ear indentations are visible. His or her eyes are wide open, but he doesn't have irises (the colored part) yet.
Baby's arm buds are growing. At this point they look more like microscopic ping-pong paddles than arms. Baby's leg buds are also forming and will look like tiny paddles by the end of the week.
The umbilical cord—the connection between your baby and the placenta—is now visible.
Side of baby: Your baby is now between 1/3 and 1/4 inch long—about the length of a Tic Tac and about as heavy as an eyelash. While that sounds tiny, he or she is approximately 10,000 times bigger than at conception. Crazy, huh?
Maternity Clothes: Don't even get me started on this...so bloated it's not even funny..and definitely not cute!
Sleep: Sleeping pretty well...I get up in the mornings to pee and then I puke and then I eat and go back to sleep.
Best Moment of the Week: Getting to see my baby at the ultrasound yesterday!
Movement: No.
Food Cravings: It changes day by day...I'm craving salty foods, which is weird because I normally have such a big sweet tooth. I can't even stomach any of the chocolate I got for Christmas, which is unheard of for me.
Gender: Baby's heart beat was 139 bpm at 6w6d and that indicates boy, but the ultrasound tech said that method of gender prediction is very unreliable. Equally unreliable I'm sure is the ring on a string test-and that said girl. I'm dying of morning sickness and I look horrible (they say a girl steals her mommy's looks) which indicates girl. Oh and I did the Chinese Calendar and it says its a girl too. I've been having girl dreams and I just have this inkling that it is a girl. Fortunately I will be happy either way, but if I find out it is a boy, I think I will be surprised!
What I Miss: Being able to eat when I'm hungry without feeling like vomiting.
What I'm Looking Forward to: The end of this horrible and never ending nausea.
Milestones: Seeing and hearing the baby's heartbeat yesterday.
Emotions: Snappy, crying over stupid TV commercials, less patient.
Symptoms: morning sickness, no appetite, cramps, bloating, fatigue, acne, dry hair.
First Ultrasound
6 weeks 6 days
TODAY IS THE DAY that we have been looking forward to for weeks!
We got to see our baby for the first time and it made this pregnancy seem so real! There is in fact one (just one) baby inhabiting my uterus! It was so cool to see it's heart beating away and we got to hear the heartbeat at 139 BPM! Most beautiful sound in the world...tear. Hubby and I are both looking forward to seeing our little one grow!
6 weeks 6 days
TODAY IS THE DAY that we have been looking forward to for weeks!
We got to see our baby for the first time and it made this pregnancy seem so real! There is in fact one (just one) baby inhabiting my uterus! It was so cool to see it's heart beating away and we got to hear the heartbeat at 139 BPM! Most beautiful sound in the world...tear. Hubby and I are both looking forward to seeing our little one grow!
First Midwife Appointment
6weeks 5days
This was the day of my first midwife appointment. I was fortunate enough to be my friend's birth partner when she had her first baby and I chose the same care providers as she did. I had had the chance to go to some of her appointments, meet the midwives, and attend her labor and delivery. That said, I was able to see for myself the kind of care I would receive and I was definitely interested in having a midwife rather than an OB.
So we spent about 45 minutes talking about my symptoms and how I've been feeling. When I explained the extent of my all day sickness, the midwife didn't hesitate to prescribe me Diclectin-which is a medicine used to treat nausea and vomiting in pregnancy that I take four times a day. We also talked about the services they offer and how they structure their appointments.
So I will be going once every four weeks until 28 weeks, once every three weeks until 36 weeks, and then weekly until delivery!
I'm so excited to hear my baby's heartbeat on the doppler during my next appointment.
6weeks 5days
This was the day of my first midwife appointment. I was fortunate enough to be my friend's birth partner when she had her first baby and I chose the same care providers as she did. I had had the chance to go to some of her appointments, meet the midwives, and attend her labor and delivery. That said, I was able to see for myself the kind of care I would receive and I was definitely interested in having a midwife rather than an OB.
So we spent about 45 minutes talking about my symptoms and how I've been feeling. When I explained the extent of my all day sickness, the midwife didn't hesitate to prescribe me Diclectin-which is a medicine used to treat nausea and vomiting in pregnancy that I take four times a day. We also talked about the services they offer and how they structure their appointments.
So I will be going once every four weeks until 28 weeks, once every three weeks until 36 weeks, and then weekly until delivery!
I'm so excited to hear my baby's heartbeat on the doppler during my next appointment.
6 Weeks!
6 Weeks-Sweet Pea Baby!!!!!
My Baby this Week: This week starts a period of rapid cellular development for your baby-to-be, who looks like a mini tadpole, with a tiny head and tail. His or her eyes, ears and mouth have begun to form.
Maternity Clothes: I bought my first clothing items at 5 weeks...This baby bloat is killer.
Sleep: I've been falling asleep soo early and I love it!
Best Moment of the Week: Buying my first maternity clothes...made this pregnancy seem more real.
Movement: No.
Food Cravings: Anything I feel I can choke down.
Gender: hmmmm...maybe it's a boy?!
What I Miss: Being able to wear pants that button.
What I'm Looking Forward Too: Finding out the gender in three months.
Milestones: Getting up the nerve to buy maternity clothes so early lol!
Emotions: Pretty stable so far.
6 Weeks-Sweet Pea Baby!!!!!
My Baby this Week: This week starts a period of rapid cellular development for your baby-to-be, who looks like a mini tadpole, with a tiny head and tail. His or her eyes, ears and mouth have begun to form.
Your baby's heart is now beating to a regular beat, although it's still too faint to hear. His or her arm buds are just beginning to, well, bud. They look like teensy swollen bumps at this point. In a few days, they'll resemble itsy-bitsy flippers.
Size of Baby: Your baby has grown to ⅛ inch long—about the size of one of the chocolate sprinkles on your last cupcake.
Size of Baby: Your baby has grown to ⅛ inch long—about the size of one of the chocolate sprinkles on your last cupcake.
Maternity Clothes: I bought my first clothing items at 5 weeks...This baby bloat is killer.
Sleep: I've been falling asleep soo early and I love it!
Best Moment of the Week: Buying my first maternity clothes...made this pregnancy seem more real.
Movement: No.
Food Cravings: Anything I feel I can choke down.
Gender: hmmmm...maybe it's a boy?!
What I Miss: Being able to wear pants that button.
What I'm Looking Forward Too: Finding out the gender in three months.
Milestones: Getting up the nerve to buy maternity clothes so early lol!
Emotions: Pretty stable so far.
Symptoms: Morning, afternoon, and night sickness, exhaustion, frequent hunger, sore boobs, sensitive smell.
Telling The In-Laws
4 weeks 2 days
This was the day that my hubby and I went over to his parent's house and told them that they were going to be grandparents!
We did the same idea as before-we wrapped up onesies in gift bags and got them to open it at the same time. They were so thrilled and excited!
4 weeks 2 days
This was the day that my hubby and I went over to his parent's house and told them that they were going to be grandparents!
We did the same idea as before-we wrapped up onesies in gift bags and got them to open it at the same time. They were so thrilled and excited!
HCG Blood Tests
Nov/27/2012, Nov/29/2012
So my doctor sent me to the lab to get my blood drawn so they could check my blood type and make sure my HCG hormone levels were rising and doubling appropriately.
Nov/27/2012 First blood draw-HCG 163 (3w4d)
Nov/29/2012 Second blood draw-HCG 370 (3w6d)
Yay!!!!! My hormone levels were rising and more than doubling within 48 hours!
My next set of blood work was ordered by my new care providers-my awesome group of midwives.
Dec/8/2012 Third blood draw-HCG 8225 (5w1d)
Dec/10/2012 Fourth blood draw-HCG 13500 (5w3d)
WOW!!!! These are some high numbers. I wonder how many babies are in there?!
So my doctor sent me to the lab to get my blood drawn so they could check my blood type and make sure my HCG hormone levels were rising and doubling appropriately.
Nov/27/2012 First blood draw-HCG 163 (3w4d)
Nov/29/2012 Second blood draw-HCG 370 (3w6d)
Yay!!!!! My hormone levels were rising and more than doubling within 48 hours!
My next set of blood work was ordered by my new care providers-my awesome group of midwives.
Dec/8/2012 Third blood draw-HCG 8225 (5w1d)
Dec/10/2012 Fourth blood draw-HCG 13500 (5w3d)
WOW!!!! These are some high numbers. I wonder how many babies are in there?!
Saturday, 5 January 2013
Telling Mom and Dad
3 weeks 4 days
So after my doctors appointment, hubby and I decided that we would go over to my parent's house to surprise them with the news...that they were going to be first time grandparents!!!!
We cleverly wrapped up onesies and put them into matching bags and made them open them at the same time. I remember that my dad was laughing and my mom started to well up and she asked "so what does this mean?" And then I told them that it meant I'm pregnant and due early August!!!!!
They were both super excited and somewhat shocked.
3 weeks 4 days
So after my doctors appointment, hubby and I decided that we would go over to my parent's house to surprise them with the news...that they were going to be first time grandparents!!!!
We cleverly wrapped up onesies and put them into matching bags and made them open them at the same time. I remember that my dad was laughing and my mom started to well up and she asked "so what does this mean?" And then I told them that it meant I'm pregnant and due early August!!!!!
They were both super excited and somewhat shocked.
The First Doctors Appointment
3 weeks 4 days
So I called my doctor the night I took the test-I just happened to find out that I was pregnant fifteen minutes before they closed. The receptionist told me to come in the next morning!
What was really ironic was that I was at the doctor's for a sinus infection two weeks before then and I was wondering if my body was capable of getting pregnant so soon as oral birth control pills really messed my body up. My doctor said to"relax and it will happen, have fun with it, and to have faith."
I know how much any woman trying to have a baby or thinking about getting pregnant hates the word "relax." I was like..wow...so all I have to do is just relax and it will happen??? (eye rolls)....So I relaxed and then two weeks later I learned I was pregnant. Go figure.
So I was totally expecting this big long appointment where I would get weighed, measured, poked, and prodded, and instead, all he showed me was this wheel that he used to calculate my due date. He gave me a form for a dating ultrasound and I was on my way.
Oh yah...I'm due with baby number one on August 9th 2013!!!!!
3 weeks 4 days
So I called my doctor the night I took the test-I just happened to find out that I was pregnant fifteen minutes before they closed. The receptionist told me to come in the next morning!
What was really ironic was that I was at the doctor's for a sinus infection two weeks before then and I was wondering if my body was capable of getting pregnant so soon as oral birth control pills really messed my body up. My doctor said to"relax and it will happen, have fun with it, and to have faith."
I know how much any woman trying to have a baby or thinking about getting pregnant hates the word "relax." I was like..wow...so all I have to do is just relax and it will happen??? (eye rolls)....So I relaxed and then two weeks later I learned I was pregnant. Go figure.
So I was totally expecting this big long appointment where I would get weighed, measured, poked, and prodded, and instead, all he showed me was this wheel that he used to calculate my due date. He gave me a form for a dating ultrasound and I was on my way.
Oh yah...I'm due with baby number one on August 9th 2013!!!!!
Finding Out
3 weeks 3 days
So I was convinced I wasn't pregnant. In fact, I had told myself that this month nothing would happen and that nothing would happen for months to come.
On a whim I decided to take a pregnancy test...one of those First Response Early Result (FRER) tests that you always see advertised on commercials.
I was so nervous that I couldn't even be in the bathroom while waiting for the test results. But...anyone who knows me also knows how impatient I am so I walked into the bathroom after only about a minute (you're supposed to wait three) and the first line I saw was the test line...and then I saw another line. TWO LINES!!!!!!!
I remember thinking that I was seeing things so I actually picked up the test to have a closer look and I began shaking as I saw two lines. Oh my God...I'm PREGNANT!!!!!
I called my husband right away crying and told him that the test had two lines and that I was pregnant. I couldn't believe it. In fact, I wasn't going to fully believe it until I saw it in writing.
So I did what any crazy woman would do and I bought a handful more tests, different brands-pink dye and blue dye. As soon as I got home I peed on all of those tests and they all came back positive...every single one. Even the digital that says the word and how many weeks along you are.
Yup...I'm pregnant.
3 weeks 3 days
So I was convinced I wasn't pregnant. In fact, I had told myself that this month nothing would happen and that nothing would happen for months to come.
On a whim I decided to take a pregnancy test...one of those First Response Early Result (FRER) tests that you always see advertised on commercials.
I was so nervous that I couldn't even be in the bathroom while waiting for the test results. But...anyone who knows me also knows how impatient I am so I walked into the bathroom after only about a minute (you're supposed to wait three) and the first line I saw was the test line...and then I saw another line. TWO LINES!!!!!!!
I remember thinking that I was seeing things so I actually picked up the test to have a closer look and I began shaking as I saw two lines. Oh my God...I'm PREGNANT!!!!!
I called my husband right away crying and told him that the test had two lines and that I was pregnant. I couldn't believe it. In fact, I wasn't going to fully believe it until I saw it in writing.
So I did what any crazy woman would do and I bought a handful more tests, different brands-pink dye and blue dye. As soon as I got home I peed on all of those tests and they all came back positive...every single one. Even the digital that says the word and how many weeks along you are.
Yup...I'm pregnant.
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